Back Kick-off meeting, Barcelona 13 & 14 September 2012

Kick-off meeting, Barcelona 13 & 14 September 2012

The two days Kick-off Meeting took place at the Real Club Náutico in Barcelona.



After a welcome speech of the President of ALMA, Dr. Javier Herrero it followed welcome introduction offered by the coordinator, Miguel Ángel González Ballester, highlighting the interdisciplinary aspect of the project and stressing the privilege it is working together with so eminent research groups and with the leading companies in their field of expertise. The first day was divided into 3 sets of sessions. In the first session partners presented their background and key concepts with the purpose that everybody involved in the project acquires a general understanding of the concepts and technologies inherent to the project. The second session was focussed on a description of the project overview and its general structure. The afternoon was dedicated to a revision of the work packages and to discuss relevant points in it involved. A Welcome Dinner brought to a close the first day. The second day sessions were dedicated to management and dissemination issues and to a revision of tasks assigned to each partner and next actions to follow.




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Els ODS a la UPF
