Back 02/02/2024 - Workshop - Between law and constitutive power: new reflections on people, sovereignty, and secession

02/02/2024 - Workshop - Between law and constitutive power: new reflections on people, sovereignty, and secession



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Workshop - 2 February

Auditorium Mercè Rodoreda

Universitat Pompeu Fabra



Introduction: Camil Ungureanu (UPF)/Marc Sanjaume (UPF)/Oscar García Jaen (UPF)


Chair: Núria Franco-Guillén (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Neus Torbisco (International Law, Geneva) Is there a right to secession? Self-

determination, human rights, and the internal morality of International Law.

Discussant: Oscar García Jaen

Pau Bossacoma (Open University of Catalunya) The paradox of secession within an

ever closer European Union

Discussant: Daniel Cetrà (University of Barcelona)

Coffee break


Chair: Lluís Pérez Lozano (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, IRLA Foundation)

Oscar García Jaen (UPF) Is there a right to divorce? A corporatist view of the state and the liberal theory of secession

Discussant: Joan Vergés Gifra (University of Girona)

Chair: Oscar Garcia Jaen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Peter Kraus (University of Augsburg) Self-determination and people: beyond populism

Discussant: Camil Ungureanu (UPF)

Lunch: 13.20-14.30


Chair: Pau Bossacoma (UOC)

Özgür Güneş Öztürk (University of Lleida)

Discussant: Javier Carbonell Castañer (University of Edinburgh/CIDOB)

Lluís  Pérez Lozano (Universitat Pompeu Fabra/Irla Foundation) Republicanism and Secession

Discussant: Núria Franco-Guillén (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Workshop coordination: Camil Ungureanu/Marc Sanjaume/Oscar Garcia Jaen


- Barcelona Network for Critical Thought and Social Research

- Research Group in Political Theory (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

- University of Augsburg/Institut für Kanada-Studien



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