
I am an Associate Professor of Civil Law at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where I graduated in 2002 and obtained my Phd (2010). I have been conducting research at the Oxford Centre for Family Law and Policy (Oxford University, 2005-2006) and Cornell Law School (Cornell University, 2007-2008), among other institutions. I have been Visiting lecturer in Civil Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2013-2014) and Universitat de Girona (2019-2020). 

My main research interests lie in the fields of the law of persons and the family, although I have also explored the law of damages and succession law. My Ph.D. thesis focused on disputes over frozen embryos after divorce (IV Extraordinary Ph.D. in Law Prize, Pompeu Fabra University, 2011). It was followed by a book on consent to assisted reproductive technologies (Consentimiento a la reproducción asistida. Crisis de pareja y disposición de embriones, Atelier, 2011), which was awarded the XIV Prize for Bioethical Research (Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas, 2012). I have published several works, mainly on topics such as family self-determination, parenthood -with special attention to parenthood resulting from access to assisted reproductive technologies-, the effectiveness of surrogacy agreements and the right to know one’s biological and genetic origins. I received the XIII Prize Miquel Casals Colldecarrera for a project on rethinking parenthood which led to the book El dret de filiació avui. Una reflexió sobre el paper de la biologia, la voluntat i els conceptes 'pare' i 'mare' (Atelier, 2023).

I have been a member of the Harmonization Section of the Codification Committee of Catalonia, which is part of the Justice Department of the Catalan Government. I am currently a member of its Personal and Family Law Section, of the Committee in charge of developing the Organic Act on Euthanasia and of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia, both dependent on the Health Department of the Catalan Government. I have collaborated, as national expert, to several reports and comparative works on grounds for divorce (Nuffield Foundation, 2019), surrogacy (Intersentia, 2019) and parenthood (Intersentia, forthcoming). I am currently a member of a research project being carried out at Pompeu Fabra University on self-determination in personal and family law. At Universitat Pompeu Fabra I also belong to a Consolidated Research Group for Patrimonial Law. I am part of the Institute of European and Comparative Private Law at the University of Girona. 


Department of Law

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 +34 93 542 1573

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