Vés enrere CAND - Collective Attitudes and Normative Disagreement

CAND - Collective Attitudes and Normative Disagreement

CAND - Collective Attitudes and Normative Disagreement

CAND is an interdisciplinary project on the  perspectival nature of legal discourse and is hosted by the Philosophy of Law Group in the Law Department at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. The project is supported by the Seventh Framework Programme of the EU.

The main aim of the project is to increase our understanding of legal and normative discourse in light of contemporary accounts of the semantics and pragmatics of deontic modals, and of collective intentionality. This is a highly interdisciplinary project, connecting various philosophical disciplines with jurisprudence.

Investigadors principals

Josep Joan Moreso Mateos


Teresa Marques

European Commission

Project ID: 622114

Funded under: FP7-PEOPLE

230.036,6 €