18 juny 2021


Deontologia periodística davant la Covid-19: transgressions i virtuts

Presentació a càrrec de Dr. Salvador Alsius Clavera, amb moderació de Dr. Xavier Ramon Vegas

Aquesta CORE Talk té per objectiu reflexionar sobre els dubtes ètics, encerts i disfuncions en la cobertura periodística de la Covid-19, tot oferint pistes per a futures recerques en aquest àmbit. El tesaure de l’ètica periodística, que sistematitza els principis fonamentals de l’activitat professional (veritat, justícia, llibertat i responsabilitat), s’utilitza com a fil conductor de la sessió. 

27 maig 2021


The frontiers of knowledge in Communication Studies

In this CORE session we will discuss how immersive media including virtual reality, augmented reality and other emerging technologies are studied from the Communication and Media Psychology perspectives.


  • Jakki Bailey (University of Texas) - Children’s cognitive and social response to VR characters. Children develop social connections with media figures, affecting their actions and perceptions. Virtual reality (VR) has unique technological affordances that creates the illusion of sharing the same space with virtual characters. This presentation provides an overview of research with children and immersive virtual reality (VR), and how the perceptual and social realism of VR relates to child development. She will discuss findings from her current work examining young children’s use of VR and interaction with virtual characters, and areas for future research.
  • Andrea Stevenson Won (Cornell University) - How the avatar moves the user: Self-avatar embodiment and user behavior in immersive virtual reality. In this presentation, Stevenson Won will briefly discuss how avatar embodiment can be considered as consistent or discrepant with user’s physical bodies. She'll then describe two recent studies from her lab that modified how participants’ actions did or did not control their avatars’ movements, and the effects on participant behavior. Finally, she'll suggest potential applications for these kinds of novel embodiment experiences.
  • Tanja Aitamurto (University of Illinois) - Examining augmented reality in journalism: Presence, knowledge gain, and perceived visual authenticity. The fundamental goal of journalism is to engage and inform people. Augmented reality (AR) can contribute to both of these goals by providing scaffolded information in an immersive, engaging viewing experience. In this talk, Aitamurto will discuss the impact of AR visualizations on users’ sense of physical presence, knowledge gain, and perceptions of the authenticity of journalistic visuals based on a recent study. The findings indicate a need for more efficient ways to relay information through journalistic AR visualizations while keeping the user engaged in an immersive experience.


Jakki Bailey is the current Scott C. and Vickie S. Reeve Endowed Faculty Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. She completed her PhD in the Virtual Human Interaction Lab in the Department of Communication at Stanford University.


Andrea Stevenson Won is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Cornell University and the director of the Virtual Embodiment Lab. She completed her PhD in the Virtual Human Interaction Lab in the Department of Communication at Stanford University.

Tanja Aitamurto is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She completed her PhD program at Tampere University, of which she studied most of the time as a visiting student researcher at Stanford and at UC Berkeley.

7 maig 2021

Els Valors del Periodisme en Temps de Pandèmia

CORE TALK a càrrec del Dr. Josep Gifreu Pinsach


Per què el periodisme ha estat considerat un “servei essencial” durant la pandèmia? Com han afrontat la professió periodística i els mitjans informatius l’impacte de la crisi global derivada de la Covid-19? Fins a quin punt el periodisme ha complert la missió de narrador universal de la crisi? Aquesta exposició pretén identificar i comentar alguns dels principals valors que l’exercici del periodisme de qualitat ha posat de manifest en els moments més crítics de la pandèmia. 

11 febrer 2021

Política i emocions

  • 13.30. Presentació de la sessió - Dra. Laura Aymerich-Franch (UPF)
  • 13.40. "El gas emocional de la política (no solo en campaña" - Dr. Toni Aira Foix (UPF-Barcelona School of Management)
  • 14.00. "Siempre fuimos felices" - Dra. Cristina Sánchez Sánchez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
  • 14.20. "Elogio del odio en la política. Contra la apatía y la psicopatía" - Dr. Xavier Ruiz Collantes (UPF)
  • 14.40. Debat obert al públic - Dra. Laura Aymerich-Franch (UPF)

22 octubre 2020

Metodologies online per a la recerca

  • 14.00. Presentació del seminari i nou format de CORE - Dr. Frederic Guerrero-Solé (UPF)
  • 14.10. Presentació de la sessió - Brunella Tedesco Barlocco (UPF)
  • 14.15. "Etnografía digital" - Dra. Elisenda Ardèvol (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
  • 14.35. "Mobile intimacy: la comunicación mobile dating y la transformación de las relaciones afectivo-sexuales" - Dr. Carles Roca-Cuberes (UPF)
  • 14.55. "Investigar sobre comunicación en las redes en tiempos de confinamiento" - Dra. Gemma San Cornelio (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
  • 15.15. Debat obert al públic - Dra. Laura Aymerich-Franch (UPF)