Back Organizing a Full-Body Interaction Jam at IDC2015 in Boston

Organizing a Full-Body Interaction Jam at IDC2015 in Boston



At Interaction Design and Children 2015  (Tufts University, Boston), we will be organizing a Full-Body Interaction Jam to bring together researchers, designers, educators and practitioners interested in designing embodied interaction experiences for children.

This will be the first Jam ever at an IDC conference and we will have a lot of fun!

The Jam will be highly experiential and “hands-on”, in order to actively explore and experiment with novel design methods through the creation of low-tech prototypes.

What is the Full-Body Interaction Jam?

Full-Body Interaction Jam will be a full day workshop at the Interaction Design and Children 2015 conference. In the workshop, participants will be invited to experiment, share and explore design methods for designing Full-Body Interaction Learning Experiences.  The workshop will be especially oriented towards exploring how to sketch through the body by meaningfully incorporating the notion of body and space in the design process.

For more information about the workshop’s goals and program please visit:

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