Clara Velasco (1979) is Serra Húnter Associate Professor of Administrative Law in the Department of Law (currently on leave). She holds a doctorate in Law (Cum Laude by unanimity, 2009) and two degrees: one in Law (UPF, 2001) and one in Political Sciences (UOC, 2012). Her doctoral thesis was awarded with the Jordi Solé Tura Prize for a work on Democracy.
She is a member of the research group Observatori de l’Evolució de les Institucions (Obsei) at the UPF. She has recently obtained funding from the Spanish Government (in the 2021 call on Strategic Projects Oriented to the Ecological Transition and Digital Transition) for a new research project called DIGITAPIA (Digital Transition in Public Administrations and Artificial Intelligence: Keys, Risks and Proposals of Regulatory Policy) that she will co-direct with Prof. A. Cerrillo from the UOC.
Her main research interests include comparative federalism, transparency, and good governance, and, the impact of disruptive technologies on public affairs. She has been awarded three six-year research periods and four five-year teaching periods by AQU Cat.
Clara has carried out different research stays in the United States (SPEA-IU, Bloomington, August-December, 2005), in Canada (UQÀM, Montreal, August-December, 2014), in France (Sciences PO, Paris, September-December, 2012, and June-December, 2013) and in Italy (University of Siena, September-December, 2004).
She has been the Deputy Editor of the Catalan Journal of Public Law (Revista Catalana de Dret Públic) (February 2022-february 2024).
Clara is currently on leave, because she has been appointed by the Catalan Parliament member of the Commission for the Guarantee of the Right of Access to Public Information of the Generalitat de Catalunya. She has been elected Vice-president of this institution. However, and to the extent that compatibility regulations allows her, she will give selected conferences and tutor the work of students who ask her to do so.
Department of law
Roger de Llúria Building (Ciutadella Campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona
+34 93 542 1997