Currently, Dr. Velasco Rico participates in a research project, entitled Administrative AI for a Democratic and Social State Governed by the Rule of Law (IAA-ESDD). This project began in June 2020 and will last three years. The project received a grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The project will make concrete proposals for a possible reform of the Spanish legal system applicable to the public administration and the common administrative procedure. This project is directed by Prof. Oriol Mir (UPF). 

This project is also related to a European project entitled Information in the EU’s Digitalized GOvernance (INDIGO) -financed by NORFACE-Horizon 2020- and shares its main goals. This multi-disciplinary research project on the impact of digitalization on the multi-jurisdictional implementation of policies in Europe also has a duration of three years (2020-2023). Financing was awarded by a consortium of national research funding agencies in Europe (NORFACE). The PI of this project is prof. Herwig Hoffmann (U. Luxembourg). 


Finally, she is also a member of a new project called Citizen-centric services, biases, and artificial intelligence: towards a consolidation of digital rights in Public Administrations, funded also by the Spanish Ministry of Science (2021-2024). The aim of this project is to define the guarantees that can be given to citizens when artificial intelligence is used by the public administration in the personalization of services. This project is directed by Prof. Juli Ponce (UB) and Prof. Agustí Cerrillo (UOC).