Javier Macia Santamaria

Group website

Research Outline

The main research lines can be divided into three groups: 


  1. Development of new technologies for the creation of complex biological computers. More specifically we are working on a new methodology able to create printed cellular biocomputers on paper or fabric substrates.


  1. Developing new biosensors based on living technologies for pathogens and pollutants detection. These devices are composed of a detection layer, composed of a set of specific engineered cells, combined with an electronic layer, responsible for readout interpretation. 


  1. Developing new biomaterial from waste for industrial applications.


Research Lines

  1. Desarrollo de una nueva tecnología para la creación de circuitos celulares impresos con capacidad de computación compleja. AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN (FIS2017-88786-R). This project focuses on the creation of printable cellular circuits able to perform complex computations.


  1. Producció biotecnològica de bioadhesius lliures de formaldehid a partir de la valorització de residus sòlids orgànics (purins).  AGÈNCIA GESTIÓ AJUTS UNIVERSITARIS I RECERCA (2018 PROD 00020). This project is devoted to the development and technological transference of new methods for waste valorisation and their transformation in biomaterial for industrial applications

  2. Development of low-cost biosensors for in situ rapid detection of heavy metals and pathogens INNOVALORA – UNIVESITAT POMPEU FABRA (INNOV19_01_1). Project devoted to the creation of a new generation of biosensor based on engineered living organisms.

  3. Re-Configurable Biocomputing Circuits. OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH (USA NAVY). OFFICE OF AIR FORCE RESEACH (USA AIR FORCE). This Project focuses on the creation of cellular circuit with learning capabilities.



Team during 2019-20

PhD students: Eva Gonzalez Flo, Sira Mogas Diez, Marc Gonzales Colell, Elaheh Kheirabadi


Postdocs: Carlos Rodríguez Caso


Technicians: Cristina Avilés


Selected publications 

  • González-Colell M., Macía J. (2020). General analyses of gene expression dependencies on genetic burden. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8, 1017. 
  • Gonzalez-Flo E., Alaball M.E., Pujol, Macia J. (2020). Two-component biosensors: unveiling the mechanisms of predictable tunability. ACS Synth. Biol. 2020, 9, 6, 1328–1335.


Other relevant information

In November 2019 a new company named Bioinspired Materials S.L. was founded, as a spin-off of the UPF, geared towards the exploration of commercial applications of the new materials developed.


Workflow for developing engineered biodevices.