Mar Carrió

Group website

Research Outline

Our lines of research are focused on improving teaching and learning processes in the health sciences. We investigate the development of active learning models, such as problem-based and project-based learning, flipped learning and clinical simulation. We have extensive experience in designing training programs to promote transversal skills, in designing assessment models and tools, and in the integration of the humanities in health sciences studies. We are also interested in investigating how technologies can support the learning design and we have some projects in this line in collaboration with TIDE (Research Group on Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education).


Current Projects 

European projects


  • ISTHEC: Integration of transversal skills into Health and social care, higher education and the curriculum. European Project (Erasmus+). Ref.: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082852.


  • PROMISE: Personalized Medicine Inquiry-Based Education. European Project (Erasmus+). Ref.: 2019-1-HR01-KA203-061010.


  • BioS: Digital skills in Computational Biology for Health Professionals. European Project (Erasmus+). Ref.: 59 1945-EPP-2017-DE-EPPRA2-SSA.


National projects


  • SmartLET: Analítica del Aprendizaje para mejorar el diseño y la orquestación en Entornos Inteligentes de Aprendizaje escalables y ubicuos, enriquecidos con Internet de las cosas. Plan Nacional


Teaching innovation projects


  • Integració transversal de l’educació pel desenvolupament sostenible a la Facultat de ciències de la salut i de la vida. Responsable: Mar Carrió. Placlik 2020-21.


  • ABP+ODS: Disseny d’ABPs pel desenvolupament sostenible. Responsable: Mar Carrió. Placlik 2019-20.


  • Implementació de la Simulació Clínica dins de les assignatures clíniques del Grau en Medicina UPF-UAB i augment del nombre de les sessions de simulació multiprofessional en el Grau en Medicina UPF-UAB. Responsable: Meritxell Girvent. Placlik 2019-20.


  • NeurAula Bits. Càpsules per a la competència metacognitiva. Responsable: Nora Pérez. PlaCLIK 2019-2020. 

Team during 2019-20

PhD students: Gemma Rodríguez, Carolina Llorente, Anna Torres, Alba Noguera, Sergi Cumplido


Postdocs: Marcel Ruiz, Irene Cambra


Technician: Pilar Larramona


Senior scientists: Jordi Pérez, Elisabeth Moyano, Meritxell Girvent, Mariano Sentí, Nuria Centeno


Selected publications 

Llorente, C., Revuelta, G., Carrió, M. 2021. Social participation in science: Perspectives of Spanish civil society organizations. Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 30(1) 36–54. DOI: 10.1177/0963662520960663.  


Sanchez-Muñoz, R., Carrió, M.,  Rodríguez, G., Pérez, N. and Moyano, E. 2020. A hybrid strategy to develop real-life competences combining flipped classroom, jigsaw method and project-based learning. Journal of Biological Education, DOI: 10.1080/00219266.2020.1858928.


Rodríguez, G., Pérez, N., Núñez, G., Baños, J. E., & Carrió, M. 2019. Developing creative and research skills through an open and interprofessional inquiry-based learning course. BMC medical education, 19(1), 134.     


Llorente, C., Revuelta, G., Carrió, M.*, Porta, M. 2019. Scientists’ opinions and attitudes towards citizens’ understanding of science and their role in public engagement activities. PLoS ONE 14(11):e02242.


Rodríguez G., Pérez N., Diéz J., Baños J.E., Carrió M. 2019. Flipped classroom: Fostering creative skills in undergraduate students of health sciences. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 33: 100575.


Other relevant information 

  • Organisation of the workshop of the PROMISE Project. Inquiry-based learning strategies and design of MOOCs. 7th-10th January 2020