Back Guigo Serra, Roderic


Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut
Scientific Coordinator

Roderic Guigó obtained his PhD in 1988 for work on Computational Methods on Evolutionary Ecology carried out with Dr. Jordi Ocaña at the Department of Statistics from the Universitat de Barcelona.

He then moved to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and later to Boston University, where he was a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Temple F. Smith. With Dr. Smith, he became interested in Computational Genomics, which have been since then the main field of Dr. Guigo's research.

On 1992 he moved to Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Theoretical Biology and Biophysics Group with Dr. James W. Fickett.

In 1994 he returned to Barcelona where he joined the IMIM-Hospital del Mar Research Institute.

Since year 2001 he is the coordinator of the Bioinformatics and Genomics Program of the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona. He is also a Bioinformatics Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona).

Research lines

Guigo's group main research topics are in the understanding of the sequence signals that guide the molecular pathway leading from DNA to RNA and protein sequences.

His group also actively participates in the analysis of many eukaryotic genomes and it's involved in the NIH-funded ENCODE project.

They are also members of two large cancer-studies consortia (chronic lymphocytic leukemia "CLL" and Breast Cancer -Hospital del Mar/CRG/Roche)

Furthermore, the group is interested in the development of software for the prediction of genes in DNA sequences.

These are some other of the projects his group is currently involved in:

  • Gene Prediction/Genome Annotation
  • Genome-Wide Search for Selenoproteins
  • Methods for RNAseq (NGS) data analysis
  • Development of methods to analyze the relationship between chromatin and splicing
  • Long Noncoding RNAs with Enhancer-like Function in Human Cells