Back Abril Ferrando, José Francisco


Coordinator of Introduction to PERL and Introduction to Algorithmics

I graduated in 1998 in Biology at Universitat de Barcelona.

From late 1998, I stayed as a PhD student, under supervision of Dr. Roderic Guigó within the Genome Bioinformatics Lab at GRIB.

I defended my PhD thesis, entitled "Comparative Analysis of Eukaryotic Gene Sequence Features", at Universitat Pompeu Fabra on May 18, 2005. In January 2006, I moved to the lab of Dr. Emili Saló as a "Juan de la Cierva" Post-Doctoral fellow.

In October 2006, I've got a Lector position at the Genetics Department, Universitat de Barcelona.

In September 2011, I became Aggregate Professor.

In June 2009, I started the Computational Genomics Lab, within the Bioinformatics Unit at Institut de Biomedicina of Universitat de Barcelona (IBUB).

Research lines

My lab research focuses in the computational analysis of genomic sequences mainly on eukaryotic genomes, both at nucleotide and amino acid levels.

We are interested in signals that define functional regions, such as splice sites, promoters, and so on, as well as in developing software to integrate data from different sources, for instance high-throughput evidences from the "omics" fields (basically genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics), to pinpoint functional candidates at sequence level for experimental follow-ups.

We are also collaborating with planarian labs to analyze the changes at transcriptome level that occur on the neoblasts cells, which confer planarians plasticity in developmental and regeneration processes and can serve as an in vivo animal model for understanding the stem cells regulatory pathways.

Furthermore, we are also involved in metagenomic analyses of viral samples to characterize species diversity.