


Translations (Spanish into English):

  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). Terminology, an evolving discipline: past, present, and some elements of the future. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). The polyhedricity principle: articulation between discourse, cognition and language in terminology (I). John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). The communicative theory of terminology, a linguistic approach to terms. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). On the terminological unit: analysis of its evolution and proposal for characterisation. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). Terminology and documentation. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). Terms and words in dictionary. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). Standard and Standards in Terminology: Concept, typology and justification. John Benjamins Publishing Company
  • Cabré, M. Teresa. (in press). Terminology implantation: concepts, strategies, resources and studies carried out on the French of Quebec and the Catalan. John Benjamins Publishing Company

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