Kooshki Forooshani M., van den Homberg M., Kalimeri, K., Kaltenbrunner, A., Mejova, Y., Milano, L., Ndirangu, P., Paolotti, D., Teklesadik A., Turner M. L. (2024) [pdf][bibtex]
Towards a global impact-based forecasting model for tropical cyclones. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(1), 309-329. 2024.
Betti L., Abrate C., Kaltenbrunner A. (2023) [pdf] [bibtex]
Large scale analysis of gender bias and sexism in song lyrics. EPJ Data Science 12 (1), 10. 2023
Alvarez-Gonzalez N., Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V. (2021) [pdf][bibtex]
Emotion-Core: An Open Source framework for emotion detection research. Software Impacts, 10, 100179. 2021.
Miquel-Ribé M., Laniado D., Kaltenbrunner A. (2021) [pdf] [bibtex]
The Role of Local Content in Wikipedia: A Study on Reader and Editor Engagement Área abierta 21 (2), 123-151. 2021.
ten Thij M., Kaltenbrunner A., Laniado D., Volkovich Y. (2019). [pdf] [bibtex]
Collective attention patterns under controlled conditions. Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM), 13, 100047, 2019.
Boratto L., Kaltenbrunner A., Stilo G. (2019). [pdf] [bibtex]
Guest editorial: social media for personalization and search. Information Retrieval Journal, 22 (1-2), 1-3. 2019.
Laniado D., Volkovich Y., Scellato S., Mascolo C., Kaltenbrunner A., (2018) [pdf] [bibtex]
The Impact of Geographic Distance on Online Social Interactions, Information Systems Frontiers, 20(6), 1203-1218. 2018.
Boratto L., Carta S., Kaltenbrunner A., Manca M. (2018). [pdf] [bibtex]
Guest editorial: Behavioral-data mining in information systems and the big data era. Information Systems. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(6), 1153-1156. 2018.
Aragón P., Gómez V., García D., Kaltenbrunner A., (2017) [pdf] [bibtex]
Generative models of online discussion threads: state of the art and research challenges, Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 8, 1, 2017.
Aragón P., Gallego H., Laniado D., Volkovich Y., Kaltenbrunner A., (2017) [pdf] [bibtex]
Online network organization of Barcelona en Comú, an emergent movement-party, Computational Social Networks, 4, 1, 2017.
Aragón P., Gómez V., Kaltenbrunner A., (2017) [pdf] [bibtex]
Detecting Platform Effects in Online Discussions, Policy & Internet, 9, 2017.
Manca M., Boratta L., Morell Roman V., Martori i Gallissà O., Kaltenbrunner A., (2017) [pdf] [bibtex]
Using social media to characterize urban mobility patterns: state-of-the-art survey and case-study, Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM), 1, 2017, pp 56-69.
Pentzold C., Weltevrede E., Mauri M., Laniado D., Kaltenbrunner A., Borra E. (2017) [pdf] [bibtex]
Digging Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia as digital cultural heritage gateway and site, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 10, 1, 2017.
Boratto L., Kaltenbrunner A., Stilo G. (2017) [pdf] [bibtex]
Report on the Workshop on Social Media for Personalization And Search (SoMePeAS), ACM SIGIR Forum, 51, 1, 2017. pp 42-44.
Laniado D., Volkovich Y., Kappler K. E., Kaltenbrunner A. (2016) [pdf] [bibtex]
Gender homophily in online dyadic and triadic relationships, EPJ Data Science, 5, 19, 2016.
Markusson N., Kaltenbrunner A., Laniado D., Venturini T. (2016) [pdf] [bibtex]
Contrasting medium and genre on Wikipedia to open up geoengineering, Big Data & Society, 3, 2, 2016.
Eom Y., Aragón P., Laniado D., Kaltenbrunner A., Vigna S., Shepelyansky D. L. (2015) [pdf] [bibtex]
Interactions of cultures and top people of Wikipedia from ranking of 24 language editions, PLoS ONE, 10, 3, 2015, e0114825.
Roelleke T., Kaltenbrunner A., Baeza-Yates R. (2015) [pdf] [bibtex]
Harmony Assumptions in Information Retrieval and Social Networks, The Computer Journal, 58, 11, 2015, pp 2982-2999.
Iosub D., Laniado D., Castillo C., Fuster-Morell M., Kaltenbrunner A. (2014) [pdf] [bibtex]
Emotions under Discussion: Gender, Status and Communication in Online Collaboration, PLoS ONE, 9, 8, 2014, e104880.
Neff J. J., Laniado D., Kappler K. E., Volkovich Y., Aragón P., Kaltenbrunner A. (2013) [pdf] [bibtex]
Jointly They Edit: Examining the Impact of Community Identification on Political Interaction in Wikipedia, PLoS ONE, 8, 4, 2013, e60584.
Aragón P., Kappler K. E., Kaltenbrunner A., Laniado D., Volkovich Y., (2013) [pdf] [bibtex]
Communication dynamics in twitter during political campaigns: The case of the 2011 Spanish national election, Policy & Internet, 5, 2, 2013, pp 183-206.
Gómez V., Kappen H. J., Litvak N., Kaltenbrunner A. (2013) [pdf] [bibtex]
A likelihood-based framework for the analysis of discussion threads, World Wide Web Journal, 16, 5-6, 2013, pp 645-675.
Kappler K. E., Kaltenbrunner A. (2012) [pdf] [bibtex]
The Power Laws of Violence against Women: Rescaling Research and Policies, PLoS ONE, 7, 7, 2012, e40289.
Gonzalez-Bailon S., Banchs R. E., Kaltenbrunner A. (2012) [pdf] [bibtex]
Emotions, Public Opinion and U.S. Presidential Approval Rates: A 5 Year Analysis of Online Political Discussions, Human Communication Research, 38, 2, 2012, pp 121-143.
Kaltenbrunner A., Gonzalez G., Ruiz De Querol R., Volkovich Y. (2011) [pdf] [bibtex]
Comparative analysis of articulated and behavioural social networks in a social news sharing website, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 17, 3, 2011, pp 243-266.
Kaltenbrunner A., Meza R., Grivolla J., Codina J., Banchs R. E. (2010) [pdf] [bibtex]
Urban cycles and mobility patterns: Exploring and predicting trends in a bicycle-based public transport system, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 6, 4, 2010, pp 455-466.
Gonzalez-Bailon S., Kaltenbrunner A., Banchs R. E. (2010) [pdf] [bibtex]
The Structure of political discussion networks: a model for the analysis of online deliberation, Journal of Information Technology, 25, 2010, pp 230-243.
Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V., Moghnieh A., Meza R., Blat J., López V. (2008) [pdf] [bibtex]
Homogeneous temporal activity patterns in a large online communication space, IADIS International Journal on WWW/INTERNET, 6, 1, 2008, pp 61-76.
CSV of raw data used in Figure 3 [figure3.csv] and Figure 6 [figure6.csv].
Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V., López V. (2007) [pdf] [bibtex]
Phase transition and hysteresis in an ensemble of stochastic spiking neurons, Neural Computation, 19, 11, Nov 2007, pp 3011-3050.
Articles in proceedings
Romano S., Angius R., Kerby N., Bouchaud P., Amidei J., Kaltenbrunner, A. (2024) [pdf][bibtex]
A Dataset to Assess Microsoft Copilot Answers in the Context of Swiss, Bavarian and Hessian Elections. ICWSM-24- 18th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, (Vol. 18, pp. 2040-2050). Buffalo, New York, USA.
Kaltenbrunner A., Scellato S., Volkovich Y., Laniado D., Currie D., Jutemar E. J., Mascolo C. (2012) [pdf] [bibtex]
Far from the eyes, close on the Web: impact of geographic distance on online social interactions, WOSN '12 - ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks, Helsinki, Finland.
Kaltenbrunner A., Bondia E., Banchs R. E. (2009) [pdf] [bibtex]
Analyzing and ranking the Spanish speaking MySpace community by their contributions in forums, WWW2009 18th International World Wide Web Conference, WWW in Ibero-America track, Madrid, Spain.
Kaltenbrunner A., Gonzalez-Bailon S., Banchs R. E. (2009) [pdf] [poster] [bibtex]
Communities on the Web: Mechanisms Underlying the Emergence of Online Discussion Networks, WebSci'09: Society On-Line, Athens, Greece.
Fraxanet E., Germano F., Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V. (2024). [pdf][bibtex]
Engagement, Content Quality and Ideology over Time on the Facebook URL Dataset. (e-print arXiv:2409.13461).
Alvarez-Gonzalez N., Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V. (2022) [pdf][bibtex]
Beyond 1-WL with Local Ego-Network Encodings, (e-print arXiv:2211.14906).
Betti L., Abrate C., Kaltenbrunner A. (2022) [pdf][bibtex]
Large scale analysis of gender bias and sexism in song lyrics, (e-print arXiv:2208.02052).
Alvarez-Gonzalez N., Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V. (2020) [pdf][bibtex]
Inductive Graph Embeddings through Locality Encodings, (e-print arXiv:2009.12585).
Gonzalez-Bailon S., Banchs R. E., Kaltenbrunner A. (2010) [pdf] [bibtex]
Emotional Reactions and the Pulse of Public Opinion: Measuring the Impact of Political Events on the Sentiment of Online Discussions, (e-print arXiv:1009.4019).
Kaltenbrunner A., Meza R., Grivolla J., Codina J., Banchs R. E. (2008) [pdf] [bibtex]
Bicycle cycles and mobility patterns - Exploring and characterizing data from a community bicycle program, (e-print arXiv:0810.4187).
Abstracts of posters, demos and conferences
Nieto Luna R., Kaltenbrunner A., Amidei J., Ferreira de Sa ; JG., Albajes Eizaguirre K., Serrat López M., Feliu Soler A. (2024)
Written Narratives to Understand the Experience of People With Pain: Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Work? XX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española del Dolor SED, León, Spain.
Kooshki M., van den Homberg M., Kalimeri K., Kaltenbrunner A., Mejova Y., Milano L., Paolotti D., Teklesadik A., Turner M., Ndirangu P. (2023)
Towards a global machine learning based impact model for tropical cyclones Session HS4.5 – Reducing the impacts of natural hazards through forecast-based action: from early warning to early action EGU 2023 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Aragón P., Hale S. A., Camargo C. Q., Margetts H., Yasseri T., Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V. (2021).
The Impact of Rankings on Online Petition Signing. Data Justice 2021, Online, Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University, UK.
Valdivia A., Aragón P., Kaltenbrunner A., Gómez V., (2021).
Auditing the Urban Planning Process in Decidim Barcelona. Data Justice 2021, Online, Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University, UK.
Borra E., Weltevrede E., Ciuccarelli P., Kaltenbrunner A., Laniado D., Magni G., Mauri M., Rogers R., Venturini T. (2014) [bibtex]
Contropedia - the Analysis and Visualization of Controversies in Wikipedia Articles, OpenSym '14: The International SymposiumG on Open Collaboration, Berlin, Germany.
Aragon P., Kappler K., Kaltenbrunner A., Gould J., Laniado D., Volkovich Y. (2012)
Tweeting the Campaign: Evaluation of Political Party Strategies in Twitter for the 2011 Spanish National Elections, Internet, Policy & Politics 2012, Oxford, UK.
Boleda G., Bott S., Kaltenbrunner A., Poblete B., Castillo C., Fuenmayor M.E., Badia T., López V. (2005)
Cucweb: un corpus del catalán construido a partir de la web, 7th ISKO-Spain Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
PhD Thesis Dynamics of message interchange between stochastic units in the contexts of human communication behaviour and spiking neurons [pdf (2.4M)] [ps.gz (928KB)]
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2007.
MSc Thesis Transformation of natural language into formal logic - possibilities and limits[pdf (653KB)]
TU Vienna, 2000.