Atrás 15/01/19: Seminari GEDIT a càrrec de Marcello Giugliano

15/01/19: Seminari GEDIT a càrrec de Marcello Giugliano

Seminari de Recerca


Títol: Writing about Catalonia in the German press: interconnecting images, discourses and conceptual frames a càrrec de Marcelo Giugliano (Universität Leipzig)

Data: dimarts 15 de gener del 2019

Hora: 12.30 h

Lloc: aula 52.S29 - edifici 52. Roc Boronat - Campus del Poblenou - Universitat Pompeu Fabra



What linguistic elements are used to describe certain images of cultural identity, especially minority cultures, in journalistic texts? What conceptual frames do these features evoke? What discourses do they generate and what ideological perspectives do these conceptual frames convey?

The seminar aims to present an on-going research project that attempts to tackle these questions. Firstly, I will introduce and problematize the notion of image of national identity as defined within the field of imagology. Secondly, I will describe the relationship between imagology, critical discourse analysis and notions drawn from cognitive linguistics, such as semantic frames or force dynamics. Finally, by presenting a case study on the representation of the Catalan movement of independence in the German press, I will describe a corpus-based methodological approach used in order to provide tentative answers to my research questions.



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