Atrás Conferència :"The Origins of Modern Japanese Literature: Karatani Kōjin on Language and Identity in the Meiji Era"

Conferència :"The Origins of Modern Japanese Literature: Karatani Kōjin on Language and Identity in the Meiji Era"





A càrrec de: Douglas Atkinson (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Data: 15/05/2023 

Horari: 16h-18:15h

Lloc: Aula 20.183

Oberta a tota la comunitat universitària


En el marc de l'assignatura " Orientalisme, comparatisme i Interculturalitat" de la professora Raquel Bouso

Douglas Atkinson received his Ph.D. in Philosophy with a thesis on Language and Death in Blanchot and Heidegger, and is currently completing a second Ph.D. in Literature on the reception of Samuel Beckett’s work in Japan. He has published several articles on Blanchot, Beckett, Japanese Philosophy, and Japanese Literature. He is currently an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), where he is the Education Coordinator of the Academic Language Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and a member of the Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings, a center that brings together researchers in the field of literary, theatrical, and scenic studies. He has devoted most of his teaching to courses in Critical Thinking and Argumentative Writing at the Doctoral School. He has directed several master's theses and three doctoral theses both in the Department of Literature and in the Department of Philosophy at the VUB. In the last years he has carried out two research projects on the subject with C. Collard and T. J. L. Thoelen: “Samuel Beckett and the Nonhuman” (CONI667 2019) and “Dance First. Think Afterwards. Think Again: Samuel Beckett and the Strange Loop” (FWOTM785 2015-19).





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