Atrás International Seminar: Science, Culture and Nation: Scientific and Cultural Diplomacy from a Historical Perspective

International Seminar: Science, Culture and Nation: Scientific and Cultural Diplomacy from a Historical Perspective

November 14th 2016. Three renowned specialists will present their latest research findings for us. Then we will engage in a discussion with the audience on issues such as the role of science and culture in building contemporary states and nations; culture and science diplomacy as promoters of international relations and also as conveyors of images of nations; as well as the role of science and culture as argumentative, symbolic resources of a nation.  


Science culture

Three renowned specialists will present their latest research findings for us. Then we will engage in a discussion with the audience on issues such as the role of science and culture in building contemporary states and nations; culture and science diplomacy as promoters of international relations and also as conveyors of images of nations; as well as the role of science and culture as argumentative, symbolic resources of a nation.

Charlotte Faucher (University of Warwick)

'French Cultural Diplomacy in the 20th Century: the French Educational Network Abroad'

Dieter Hoffmann (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin)

'Scientific Cooperation as Diplomacy: the Beginnings of German-Israeli Scientific Collaboration at the Turn of the 1960s'

Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht (John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin)

'The Concept of "Nation Branding" for the Analysis of International Culture Relations'


"Nexus between science, culture, politics, religion and society"


Marició Janué i Miret (UPF)  Albert Presas i Puig (UPF)


'Ciencia, cultura y nación en España, del desastre de 1898 al fin de la dictadura franquista' (HAR2016-75559- P)November 14th 2016. Three renowned specialists will present their latest research findings for us. Then we will engage in a discussion with the audience on issues such as the role of science and culture in building contemporary states and nations; culture and science diplomacy as promoters of international relations and also as conveyors of images of nations; as well as the role of science and culture as argumentative, symbolic resources of a nation.  




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