Atrás From printed paper to the Internet: An article on the history of Basque-language media

From printed paper to the Internet: An article on the history of Basque-language media

 The paper appears in the 2019 edition of the International Journal on Basque Studies 


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Professor Javier Díaz-Noci, alongside with two scholars from the University of the Basque Country, has published an article on a well-known Basque-language medium: Argia, a newsmagazine created in 1919 which is now the oldest media in this ancient language. The weekly magazine has managed to make a transformation on the Internet, which is analyzed by Antxoka Agirre, Amaia Álvarez Berastegi and Javier Díaz-Noci himself. The article appears in the last, 2019 issue of the International Journal on Basque Studies, a scholarly journal which was launched for the first time in 1907.


This article is part of one of Javier Díaz-Noci’s research lines, on the history of media and, concretely, on Basque-language journalism, which was the topic of his first PhD dissertation. The text draws a history of Argia, and then analyzes the enormous transformation of this weekly magazine and of its website in the 21st century. Finally, the authors make an insight on the quality indexes applied to online journalism and the future of the weekly magazine.



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