Atrás The Institute for Human Rights of Catalonia organizes two sessions on the Impacts of climate change on human rights

The Institute for Human Rights of Catalonia organizes two sessions on the Impacts of climate change on human rights

The sessions will take place on March 9 and 14 and will discuss the effects of climate change on civil rights as well as on economical, social and cultural rights.



The working document The impacts of climate change on human rights identifies the situations that put at risk each of the human rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The impacts on both civil rights and economic, social and cultural rights will be analyzed and debated during these session. After presenting the contents of the above-mentioned document, and based on the reflections and contributions of different experts, the debate will focus on the least analyzed rights: how they are affected by climatic events and also how their practice can aggravate the climate crisis. Please see more information and registrations here




ODS - Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
