Back The 7th edition of the Visions d'un Món Desigual conference comes to a close

The 7th edition of the Visions d'un Món Desigual conference comes to a close

This edition deals with SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy


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On 4 May, the 7th edition of the Visions d’un Món Desigual conference ended. This year, it dealt with Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and clean energy). It was organized around four thematic blocks and dealt with topics related to affordable and non-polluting energy such as the energy challenges of the Agenda 2030. European energy policies, renewable energy cooperatives and energy sovereignty were also examined from an ecofeminist point of view.

The Conference was broadcast live on the YouTube platform, free of charge and open to the public. It continued its 100% online format as in previous editions.

The sessions followed the same methodology as in other years, with a brief presentation of the speaker and an introduction to the topic for discussion. Finally, there was an open round of questions and answers. The total number of participants in the four sessions was 1,481, including members of the university community of the four organizing universities (UdG, UdL, URV and UPF) and the general public.

Summary of presentations
1st session: “Energy and the challenge of the Agenda 2030” with Antonio Turiel, scientist and publicist. A graduate in Physics, Mathematics and a PhD in Theoretical Physics.
“It is important to point out that in none of the scenarios does the production of fossil fuels increase. We must accept that it will not increase any more. Not because there is no supply, but because there is a decrease in demand. We no longer want crude because we cannot extract any more.”

2nd session: “The external dimension of European energy policies. Consequences of the capture of green business”, with Alfons Pérez, electrical engineering technician; master in Sustainability from the UPC. He is also an adjunct lecturer at UPF.
“There is a tendency to think of eternal capitalism. Capitalism that believes that the markets are the solution. Capitalism that puts large corporations and the evolution of their business at the centre. There is a very partial view of energy transformation right now.”
3rd session: “Renewable energy cooperatives”, with Yaiza Blanch, a member of the technical team of Som Energia since 2013. She currently works in the Energy Transformation and Community team.
“Energy is a right, not a business.”

4th session: “Ecofeminist views on energy sovereignty”, with Blanca Bayas, a graduate in Political Science and Public Administration, a graduate in Social Work, and a master in Social Policy and Community Mediation.
“When there is an energy crisis and there are population movements, it is mainly us women who are most affected, as we have historically been the ones who have taken care of the reproduction of lives.”

The four virtual sessions were recorded and are available on the Youtube Channel Visions d’un Món Desigual.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
