Back 01.01 Introduction

01.01 Introduction

Scientific research is a systematized process and obeys specific rules, we list below the steps that the researcher must follow when carrying out the project of scientific work...


Scientific research is a systematized process and obeys specific rules, we list below the steps that the researcher must follow when carrying out the project of scientific work. These are the parts of proper design:

1. Research.

1.1. Definition of research

1.2. Types of research

1.3. Phases of a research study

2. Choosing the topic

3. Object of study

4. Universe and samples

4.1. What is a universe or population

4.2. What is a sample

4.2.1. Definition of sample

4.2.2. Types of samples Probabilistic Non probabilistic

4.3. Size of a sample

4.4. Bias in samples

5. Research problem

6. Goals

7. Research questions 

8. Theoretical Framework 

9. Hypothesis 

9.1. Definition of hypothesis

9.2. What is a good hypothesis

9.3. Operations to be performed with hypothesis

9.4. Types of hypothesis

10. Variables

10.1. Definition of variables

10.2. Types of variables



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