Public Libraries and Cibernarium

In addition to the activities carried out at Biblioteca Ignasi Iglesias - Can Fabra in the context of the collaboration with its American Space, the program is supporting the launch of initiatives at different centers such as Libraries or the Cibernarium, targetting kids of different ages:

- 9/11 Training session for volunteers participating in the CodeClubCat project in libraries

- 26-27/01/2018: Opening of the new Library Montserrat Abelló

Workshops on interactive and creative technologies with Marie Monique Schaper, Laura Malinverni, Lina Bautista and Laura Llaneli.

This is the way it sounded, uploaded in Freesound


- Summer 2017: #estasON: Scratch and Robotics at Technology Parc - Barcelona Activa

Workshops on Scratch, ScratchJr and Robotics carried out by teachers trained by DTIC staff, in the context of the cooperation with Barcelona Activa, the Barcelona public employment office. Additional details at the web of the department. This cooperation became the seed of a wider outreach program of activities to high school students with Barcelona Activa.

- Summer 2017: estiu robòTIC (roboTIC summer) at the Public Libraries - Barcelona Activa

On June 13th we have initiated the training of 10 teachers who will be responsible to conduct free courses for kids in the network of libraries in Barcelona on Scratch, ScratchJr and Arduino. 16 free 8-session Scratch courses (info here). The training program is carried out for Barcelona Activa, the employment agency in Barcelona.

- July 13th 2017 - Lego Mindstorm Workshop (kids 8-12y), Biblioteca El Clot