How to pass it?

The 15 ECTS of the Master's Final Project have to be passed through the submission of a work in order to show the student's research skills. The project has also to be presented in a public dissertation session in front of a Committee made up of three doctor lecturers. 


The Master's Final Project has the objective to prove the intellectual maturity and the research skills of the student. It has to be an original project, as a result of the personal work of the student under the guidance of a supervisor.

Dedication of the student

The dedication of the student for the Master's Final Project is of 375 hours. These hours includes the work of literature review and sample collection, the discussion with the supervisor and the writing of the project.

The Supervisor

The Master's Final Project is carried out under the monitoring of a supervisor which is assigned to the student by the coordinator of the master during the enrolment tutorial session.

Eligible supervisor are the doctors who give teaching in the Master, the doctors of the Department, doctors of UPF as co-supervisor with a doctor from the Department, doctors outside UPF as co-supervisor with a doctor from the Department.

In any other case the coordinator of the Master will ask for the approval of the Postgraduate Committee.

Submission's Deadline

Submission by 21 June. The Master's Final Project must be delivered within the deadline fixed by the regulation.

Delays won't be admitted. All the students which won't deliver or pass the Master's Final Project will be able to register it in the next academic year, with the related surcharge provided that they fulfill the requirements about continuity and number of calls. 

Where to submit it

To the Secretary of the Department of Communication: [email protected]

Formal Requirements

- Abstract: maximum 150 word length in the same language of the Project

- Keywords: a list of keywords about the content, with a maximum length of 200 characters:

- Cover with

1.       Title of the document

2.       Author or authors' name

3.       Publication date: Academic Year 20--/--

4.       The name of the collection: Research Project of the Postgraduate Program of the Department of Communication

5.       Name of the sub-community: Department of Communication

6.       Name of the University: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Cover Template

- As for the digital copy: the document must be in a PDF format. If there are some annexes (images, software, audio/video records, etc.), they can be inserted with the text file. Well known formats are strongly recommended. The files' size must be inferior to 40 Mb, therefore, there can be as many files as needed . 

Submission Documentation

1.   Form for the  delivery of the Master's Final Project 
2.   One PDF copy of the Master's Final Project by email to [email protected], stating in the subject "TFM Name.Family name, according to the formal requirements stated by the Regulation (see art. 4).
3.   Permission to publish the project in the Catalan Digital Research Repository (RecerCat). Instructions below according to your situation:

a) Students from Spain (holding a DNI) should deliver it through this link of the Electronic Site. By means of this site you will be able to sign it digitally.
b) Students from abroad who cannot obtain a valid digital certification should sign the document and send it scanned to [email protected]

Dissertation Terms

The Master's Final Project must be presented within the deadline fixed by the regulation.

Defences between 6th and 10th september. The defence schedule can be found here.

Links to the public sessions:


The period between the delivery and the public dissertation won't be in any case inferior to fifteen calendar days. During this time, the project will be available to all the doctor lecturers of the Department. 


The Project will be defended publicly in front of an assessment committee made up of three doctor lecturers chosen by the Department. 


The project supervisor and two lecturers proposed by the Master's management team.

Publication of the Project

If a project is awarded the excellent mark must be published, once realized the changes that can be possibly pointed out in the transcript, in RECERCAT, the Catalan digital research repository, with the aim of promoting it. In order to make this arrangement effective, the student must present the related permission when delivering the project. 

Compulsory aspects

The Master's Final Project must be structured according to:

Regulations about the research project of Postgraduate Courses (Master and Phd before-Bologna) of the Department of communication 

Procedures for the development of the research projects of MA courses and PhD before-Bologna, approved by the Postgraduate Committee on July 1st, 2008 .

Types of master's degree final project.

This regulation, as well as any change, must be approved by the Postgraduate Committee of the Department of Communication.