Back Salvadó Corretger, Glòria


Departament de Comunicació
Senior lecturer

Biography note

PhD in Communication Studies by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, with the thesis dissertation Countershot with death. Image and history in contemporary Portuguese cinema (Communication Department PhD thesis Prize). She is author of Espectres del cinema portugués contemporani. Historia i fantasma en les imatges (Lleonard Muntaner, 2012), and coeditor of Poéticas del gesto en el cine europeo contemporáneo (Intermedio, 2013). In the past few years, she has published several articles, in national and international academic journals and collective books, about contemporary Portuguese cinema, television fiction, new forms of serial fiction and Joaquín Jordá's work, among other topics. Member of the research group CINEMA, she currently teaches in Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Communication at the UPF, in Master in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies at the same university, and in the Hispanic and European Studies Program at the same university. She also teaches in Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Communication at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Research lines

- Audiovisual Narrative;
- Modern and Contemporary European Cinema;
- Contemporary Portuguese Cinema;
- Theory and Analysis of Television Fiction;
- Relations between Television and Cinematographic Fiction;
- Hermeneutics of Film;
- Joaquín Jordá;
- Audiovisual Aesthetics.


- Audiovisual Narrative;
- Film and TV: New imaginary and Borders of Fiction;
- Images of Spain in Contemporary Cinema (PEHE - UPF);
- Audiovisual Expression (UOC).