Back [26 /05/2022] Activitats de preparació per a l’aprenentatge: posant en valor el productive failure o fracàs productiu

[26 /05/2022] Activitats de preparació per a l’aprenentatge: posant en valor el productive failure o fracàs productiu

Sessió: 26 de maig de 2022



Activities of preparation for learning: putting in value the productive failure


The EDvolució educational framework aims to improve the learning of our students, generating deeper, more lasting learning and more committed to society. Educational research is providing increasing evidence on the relevance of preparation tasks for better learning.

Future learning tasks are those that prepare the student for new learning and are done before direct instruction from teachers. They usually involve the activation by the student of prior knowledge, the exploration of new ideas, the appearance of a confusing problem or a productive failure that will promote significant learning in future clarifying and consolidating tasks. Some examples of preparation tasks for future learning are reading and viewing videos prior to class sessions, identifying problems, reviewing examples, or understanding concepts before working on them in the classroom (responding to the format of the flipped classroom methodology).


The implementation of EDvolució in the learning plans of the subjects considers the relevant role of future learning activities. At the same time, the research carried out within the EDvolució project also wants to contribute to the generation of more knowledge in this line to improve teaching. In this session we will have a guest of high international prestige in the field of preparation for future learning and the role of productive failure, Dr. Manu Kapur from ETH Zurich.


  May 26, 2022


  Conference hall 55.309, Campus del Poblenou 

  Watch the recording of the talk



12.00h: Welcome:

In charge of the principal, Oriol Amat, the vice-rector for Educational Transformation, Culture and Communication, Manel Jiménez, and the commissioner for Research in Educational Innovation, Davinia Hernández-Leo.

Short testimonials

Preparation activities for future learning. UPF faculty in the framework of EDvolució:

Oriol Amat (Economics department), Montse Cunillera (Translation and Language Sciences department)

12.30h: Conference Failure as Preparation for Future Learning (en anglès):

 Manu Kapur, Professor for Learning Sciences and Higher Education at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and directs The Future Learning Initiative (FLI) at ETH Zurich.

If learning from failure is intuitively compelling, how can we intentionally design for it, and bootstrap it for deep learning? In my talk, I will describe my research on Productive Failure, and its implications for how we design powerful learning environments, innovation and creativity.

13:30 h: We listen to more testimonials and discuss: Preparation activities for future learning. 

UPF faculty in the framework of EDvolució:

Óliver Pérez (Comunication department), Elisabeth Moyano (Medicine and Life Sciences department), Laura Becerra-Fajardo (Information and Communications Technologies department).

14:00 h: Closure





Manu Kapur is professor of Learning Sciences and Higher Education at ETH Zurich. He has been invited to present major conferences around the world and his work has been published in major field journals. 





Profiles of the protagonists:

Manu Kapur


SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

04. Quality education
Els ODS a la UPF
