2024 (1)Castroviejo E.; Mayol L.. Premise conditionals are echoic thematic conditionals. Journal of Pragmatics 2024; 225: 34-47. |
2022 (1)Cruschina S.; Mayol L.. The realization of information focus in Catalan. Languages. Languages 2022; 7(4): 1-21. |
2021 (4)Castroviejo E, Mayol L. Why premise questions?. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 2021. |
Castroviejo E, Mayol L. Movimientos conversacionales. Dins: Ahern AK, Ameno¿s Pons J, Escandell Vidal MV. Pragmática. Barcelona: Akal; 2021. |
Mayol L, Vallduví E. Las oraciones con tema y la estructura informativa. Dins: Leonetti M, Escandell-Vidal V. La estructura informativa. Visor Libros; 2021. p. 251-275. |
Trotzke A, Mayol L. Catalan focus markers as discourse particles. Journal of Linguistics 2021; 57(4): 871-905. |
2020 (4)Brunetti, L; Mayol, L; Villalba, X.. Bridging Strength, Monotonicity, and Word Order Choices in Catalan. Discourse Processes 2020; 57(18): 703-724. |
Mayol L, Vallduví E. Utterances with themes as strategies to address a broad Question Under Discussion. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 2020; 24(1): 533-546. |
Westera, Matthijs Mayol, Laia; Rohde, Hannah. TED-Q: TED talks and the questions they evoke. Dins: Calzolari N, Bechet F, Blache P, Choukri K, Cieri C, Declerck T, Goggi S, Isahara H, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Mazo H, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2020. p. 1118-1127. |
Westera, Matthijs; Amidei, Jacopo; Mayol, Laia. Similarity or deeper understanding? Analyzing the TED-Q dataset of evoked questions. Dins: Scott D, Bel N, Zong C. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'2020). International Committee on Computational Linguistics; 2020. p. 5004-5012. |
2019 (3)Castroviejo, Elena; Mayol, Laia. Echoicity and contrast in Spanish conditionals. The Linguistic Review 2019; 36(4): 1-35. |
Mayol L, Castroviejo E. Asserted and implicated meanings in Catalan 'D'eu n'hi do'. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 2019; 13(2): 371-384. |
Mayol, Laia; Villalba, Xavier. Bridging and dislocation in Catalan. Dins: Paco Ordóñez & Lori Repetti. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 14. John Benjamins; 2019. p. 201-213. |
2018 (3)Castroviejo Miró, Elena; Mayol, Laia. The building blocks of Catalan "at least". Dins: Berns, Janine; Jacobs, Haike; Nouveau, Dominique. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13: Selected papers from `Going Romance¿ 29, Nijmegen. John Benjamins; 2018. p. 41-53. |
Mayol, Laia. Asymmetries between interpretation and production in Catalan pronouns. Dialogue and Discourse 2018; 9(2): 1-34. |
Mayol, Laia; Barberà, Gemma. Anaphoric strategies across language modalities: A comparison between Catalan and Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 2018; 51(3): 431-447. |
2015 (2)Allyn E, Castroviejo E, Mayol L, Beaudry M. Cross-Linguistic Experimental Evidence Distinguishing the Role of Context in Disputes over Taste and Possibility. Dins: AA. VV.. Proceedings of The Ninth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context. Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 2015. p. 454-467. |
Mayol, Laia. Conditionally interpreted declaratives in Spanish. Dins: Olade¿ Aboh E, C Schaeffer J, Petronella Sleeman A. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2013: Selected papers from `Going Romance' Amsterdam 2013. Amsterdam: John Benjamins; 2015. |
2014 (1)Mayol, Laia; Castroviejo, Elena. Evaluative adverbs in questions: a comparison between French and Catalan. Dins: Rebekah Baglini, Timothy Grinsell, Jonathan Keane, Adam Roth Singerman, Julia Thomas (eds.). Proceedings of the 46th Chicago Linguistics Society. University of Chicago; 2014. p. 143-158. |
2013 (3)Mayol, Laia; Castroviejo E. (Non)integrated evaluative adverbs in questions: A cross-Romance study. Language 2013; 89(2): 195-230. |
Mayol, Laia; Castroviejo, Elena. How to cancel an implicature. Journal of Pragmatics 2013; 50(1): 84-104. |
Mayol, Laia; Villalba, Xavier. Right-dislocation in Catalan: tails, polarity and activation International Review of Pragmatics 2013; 5(1): 87-117. |
2012 (2)Castroviejo E, Mayol L. Conclusion, consequence and solutionhood: the semantics of three Catalan connectives. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 2012; 16(1): 157-168. |
Mayol, Laia. An account of the variation in the rates of overt subject pronouns in Romance. Spanish in Context 2012; 9(3): 420-442. |
2011 (2)Mayol, Laia; Castroviejo, Elena. Projective meaning and implicature cancellation. Dins: Kierstead, Gregory (Ed.). Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2011 Workshop on Projective Meaning Ljubljana: 2011. |
Mayol, Laia; Castroviejo, Elena. A question of misfortune: Parenthetical adverbs in questions in French. Dins: Berns J.; Jacobs, H.; Scheer, T. (eds.). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2009. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company; 2011. p. 223-238. |
2010 (3)Mayol, Laia. Contrastive pronouns insubject Romance languages. Lingua 2010; 120(10). |
Mayol, Laia. Refining salience and the Position of Antecedent Hypothesis: a study of Catalan pronouns. Dins: AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 33th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania; 2010. |
Mayol, Laia; Clark, Robin. Pronouns in Catalan: Game of Partial Information and the Use of Linguistic Resources. Journal of Pragmatics 2010; 42(3): 781-799. |
2009 (1)Mayol, Laia. Ph.D thesis: Pronouns in Catalan: information discourse and strategy. University of Pennsylvania; 2009. |
2008 (2)Mayol, Laia. Catalan 'Déu n'hi do' and Conventional Implicatures in Exclamatives. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 2008; 7: 135-156. |
Mayol, Laia. Catalan 'Deu n'hi do' and Levels of Meaning in Exclamatives. Dins: Chang, Charles B.; Haynie, Hannah J. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville: Cascadilla Proceedings Project; 2008. |
2007 (4)Mayol, Laia. Ho sabeu, això? La dislocació a la dreta en català. Zeitschrift fur Katalanistik 2007; 20: 221-238. |
Mayol, Laia. Right-dislocation in Catalan: its discourse function and counterparts in English. Languages in Contrast 2007; 7(2): 203-220. |
Mayol, Laia. Acquisition of Irregular Patterns in Spanish Verbal Morphology. Dins: Nurmi, Ville V.; Sustretov, Dmitry. Proceedings of the Twelfth ESSLLI Student Session. The Association for Logic, Language and Information; 2007. |
Scheffler, Tatjana; Tauberer, Joshua; Eilam, Aviad;Mayol, Laia. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania; 2007. |
2006 (2)Mayol, Laia. On pronouns in Catalan and game theory. Dins: Artstein, Ron; Poesio, Massimo. Ambiguity in Anaphora Workshop Proceedings ESSLLI 2006. Summer School in Logic Language and Information; 2006. |
Mayol, Laia. The discourse function of right-dislocation in Catalan. Dins: Fabricius-Hansen, C.; Behrens, B.; Krave, M. F. (Ed.). Pre-Proceedings of the SPRIK Conference 2006: Explicit and Implicit Information in Text Information Structure across Languages. University of Oslo; 2006. p. 35-40. |
2005 (2)Mayol, Laia; Boleda, Gemma; Badia, Toni. Automatic acquisition of syntactic verb classes with basic resources. Language Resources and Evaluation 2005; 39(4): 295-312. |
Mayol, Laia; Boleda, Gemma; Badia, Toni. Automatic learning of syntactic verb classes. Dins: AA.VV. Proceedings of Verb Workshop 2005: Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Identication and Representation of Verb Features and Verb Classes. Saarland University; 2005. p. 92-97. |
2003 (1)Bertomeu, Nuria; Mayol, Laia. Tractament de l'ambigüitat determinant-pronom-adverbi-adjectiu dels quanticadors en un sistema de desambiguació morfològica automàtica. Dins: AA.VV. XTRACT-2 Working Paper CLIC-UB. Barcelona: 2003. |