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TRANSGANG in HORIZON: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine

Transforming Gang Violence through Dialogue and Mediation: The TRANSGANG Project Led by Dr. Carles Feixa Pàmpols in HORIZON: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine


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In the wake of a tragic gang-related incident in Barcelona in 2003, Dr. Carles Feixa Pàmpols, a professor of social anthropology at Pompeu Fabra University, took a groundbreaking approach to address gang violence. This incident led to the development of the "Barcelona Model," a pioneering program emphasizing mediation over repression. Dr. Feixa's efforts culminated in the TRANSGANG project, which received EU funding and ran for five and a half years until mid-2023. Under his leadership, the project explored the international dimension of gangs in the 21st century, highlighting the role of mediation in mitigating violence.

The TRANSGANG project focused on the evolution of transnational gangs, comparing successful mediation approaches in Barcelona, Rabat, and Medellin with punitive responses elsewhere. The research, led by Dr. Feixa, revealed that heavy-handed and exclusionary policies worsened socio-economic troubles and created negative public perceptions. In contrast, mediation resulted in nuanced public opinion, stronger social cohesion, and reduced crime. These insights are now influencing gang-related approaches in Spain, Italy, Sweden, and globally through organizations like UNICEF. Dr. Feixa's commitment to sharing gang members' life stories in his upcoming book, "Young Lives Matter," adds a humanizing touch to this transformative research.

The relevance of the publication on Horizon, the EU Research & Innovation magazine, underscores the significance of the TRANSGANG project. This platform amplifies the impact of Dr. Feixa's work, emphasizing the need for innovative, dialogue-based solutions to address the complex issue of gang violence. By sharing success stories like the Barcelona Model, the article contributes to a more positive and inclusive future for young people globally, reinforcing the importance of research-driven initiatives in reshaping societal perspectives on gangs.



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