VII Jornades d'Arqueologia 

15 de març del 2019

La arqueología Histórica: Zona de contacto


Organiza: Colonialism, Gender and Materialities (CGyM


VI Jornades d'Arqueologia 

On 9 January 2018 the VI edition of the IUHJVV Archaeology Conference was held, under the theme "Trends in Multidisciplinary Archaeology"


Organiza: CaSEs: Culture and Socio-Ecological Dynamics


The V IUHJVV Archaeology Conference

On 13 December 2016 the V edition of the IUHJVV Archaeology Conference was held, under the theme “More than fuel: food and ritual in domestic life”

For further information, consult the poster and the programme.


The IV IUHJVV Archaeology Conference

On 14 December 2015  the IV edition of the IUHJVV Archaeology Conference was held, under the theme “Behind the Pixel: Practices and Concepts in Virtual Reality”.

For further information, click here to consult the full programme.


The 3rd IUHJVV Archaeology Conference

On 12 December 2014, the 3rd edition of the IUHJVV Archaeology Conference was held, coordinated by Ana Delgado and Samuel Sardà, under the theme Eating and drinking in the western Mediterranean: cuisines, consumer practices and social identities in the Iron Age.

For further information, consult the poster and the programme.

Organised by: IUHJVV


The 2nd IUHJVV Archaeology Conference

On  27 de Setember 2013 the 2nd edition of the IUHJVV Archaeology Conference was held under the theme "Arqueologia del contacte cultural: materialitats, quotidianitats i identitats"

For further information, click here to consult the full programme.


The 1st IUHJVV Archaeology Conference


Coordinated by doctor Sandra Montón, on Friday 2 March 2012 the first Archaeology Conference was held, bringing together Colin Renfrew (archaeology), Francisco Villar (linguistics) and Carles Lalueza (genetics) in order to debate migratory movements in Europe in prehistoric times.

For further information, click here to consult the full programme.