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Análisis de la información contenida en diccionarios generales de lengua y nuevas propuestas para diccionarios generales específicos actuales

Análisis de la información contenida en diccionarios generales de lengua y nuevas propuestas para diccionarios generales específicos actuales
PI: Paz Battaner. PB96-0305.

The possibility of collecting invariables in the articles of magnetic-medium dictionaries opens new study possibilities regarding all kinds of information that requires vocabulary description. After analyzing the constants in the definitions of prefixed entries, the results showed that the definitions have some features that allow for the drawing of conclusions about behaviour and syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic requirements of those senses which go unnoticed in specific look-ups. This experience has provided the bases for the methodology of the research.

Research results:

  1. Continuation of previous works on prefixation. As continuation of her research on the meaning added by suffix des - in the DRAE, Battaner has studied suffix re -, characterized according to her by a learned use, a patrimonial use and a number of non-prefixed structures which, however, play a role in the linguistic assessment of this element. Suffix re - expands a network of complex lexico-semantic relations.
  2. Qualifying adjective lexicographic information. The study has been carried out in computerized monolingual (DRAE, DUE, VOX) and bilingual (Collins English-español/español-English) Spanish dictionaries. The main focus of this study have been non-derived patrimonial qualifying adjectives; that is, adjectives that usually are polysemous and semantically belong to polar or binary relations of opposition.
    • An adjective or adverb, derived from the modaliser verb deber (debido -a, lo debido, debidamente) , which regularly appears in monolingual Spanish lexicography and whose lexicographic article does not consider this use (Battaner), has been paid attention to.
    • In this way, a research essay, "Los modificadores intensivos en las definiciones de adjetivos en el DRAE", has been presented. In it, we studied the gradations of meaning which present more than two hundred non-derived qualifying adjective senses, whose definitions include the intensifiers muy, grande, demasiado, más, menos, poco, mucho and sumament , acting as adjectives or adverbs, respectively (N. Castillo Igea).
    • This lexico-semantic aspect has also been studied in non-derived and polysemous adjectives with their equivalences in three of the best bilingual English-Spanish dictionaries. Learner's lexicography-area in which bilingual dictionaries also play their role-needs more information, more context and better examples than those found: information is stored in dictionaries (which confirms the initial project hypotheses) but it is not given in a structured way and requires a profound knowledge of the other language on the part of the user, which is not precisely a use requirement for second-language learners (Alsina-DeCesaris).
    • The information that derived English adjectives suffixed - full and - like received has been compared to Spanish adjectives which carry the equivalent suffix - oso . The latter comes up as a polysemous which preferentially takes noun bases, instead of other types of bases, like verbal bases. The meaning "with abundance of" seems to come up when the presence of the base in other object is relevant, as is the case with aceitoso (Alsina-DeCesaris).
  3. Lexicographic information contained under the category "adv., loc. adv., and fr. adv." As stated by the previous studies, the lacks in adverb definitions have been highlighted in the works of Martínez and Torner. This aspect of the research has been carried out in his doctoral thesis, Torner studies the series of celerative adverbs ( rápidamente, lentamente, deprisa, en seguida, despacio, al cabo, pausadamente, paulatinamente, gradualmente, precipitadamente and de repente ), chiefly the semantic incidence they have with several verbs and depending on the scope and the position they have in the sentence.
  4. The treatment of encyclopaedic aspects in general dictionaries. This aspect of the research has been carried out in L. Borrás doctoral thesis (still in progress at the moment), where encyclopaedic or descriptive zoonym definitions found in computerized Spanish dictionaries are counted, studied and analysed. This represents a data base where the descriptive and categorizing features received by the different types of animals can be studied.
  5. The assessment of new proposals of lexicographic information and the way they get to the user has also been analysed (Battaner and Alsina-DeCesaris).

The funds received by the project have also enabled two other Lexicography conferences ( Jornades de Lexicografia ):

  1. The first conference, held in Dec 1999, was devoted to lexicographic adjective treatment. Doctors Ahumada (University of Jaén), Alsina and DeCesaris (UPF), Werner (University of Augsburgo), Soler (IEC) and Gutiérrez Cuadrado (University of Barcelona - Instituto Cervantes) were invited.
  2. The second conference, held in Dec 2000, focused on bilingual dictionaries. Our invitation was attended by doctors Béjoint (University Lyon 2), Gelpí (UPF), Lepinette (University of Valencia) and Forgas (University Rovira i Virgili); similarly, UPF's Ph.D. students Bernal and Borràs put forward their on-going works, as Martin and Boutina (University of Augsburg) did.

The articles and speeches of these conferences have been published in Edicions de l'IULA, Sèrie Activitats; 9 : V. Alsina y J. DeCesaris (eds.) Estudis de lexicografia 1999 - 2000: I Jornada de Lexicografia (3 de desembre de 1999), II Jornada de Lexicografia (24 de novembre de 2000)Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, 2001.

Principal researchers

Dra. Paz Battaner
Funded by the Spanish Department of Education (PB96-0305)