UPF is a public, cosmopolitan and urban university which organizes its studies around three main areas of knowledge closely related to humans:
  • social and human sciences
  • health sciences and life
  • the sciences and technologies of information and communication

Created in 1990 by the Government of Catalonia, the UPF model is based on three core concepts: quality teaching, research excellence and a highly international profi le. To meet them, the University has been divided into seven faculties, a polytechnic school and eight departments. In recent years it has also been involved in a number of institutions and centres specializing in teaching, research and knowledge transfer with their own legal status that make up the UPF Group. In teaching, the University offers comprehensive training and proximity to the student, a model whose success is confi rmed by indicators such as the high enrolment demand and the high rate of reported success, satisfaction and employment of both students and graduates. In terms of research, the model is made possible by the high competitiveness of the University’s lecturers and researchers, thanks to a policy of lecturer recruitment that is open to both national and international talent. This commitment has resulted in excellent indicators relating to the volume of revenue from competitive calls (especially at European level) and to the productivity of researchers. In parallel, in order to boost the research and transfer activities conducted at the University and to give them greater international visibility, UPF is developing the UPF Research Park, which operates in the fi elds of social and human sciences, communication and information technologies, and which is coordinated with the Biomedical Research Park of Barcelona in the area of health and life sciences. Finally, the strong international profi le of the University is the result of a strategy focused on the establishment of a policy of alliances with a network of preferred partners and which, at the same time, also promotes experiences abroad, incorporates English in the teaching offer and is committed to building a multilingual campus with three working languages: Catalan, Spanish and English. In addition to these three core concepts, the University is committed to its community – Catalonia and the city of Barcelona – and to society as a whole. This commitment is underpinned by the principles of cooperation, sustainability and equality of opportunities. At the same time, its open embrace of innovation and technology and its fi rm belief in continuous assessment and accountability make UPF a modern, socially-responsible university institution. Lastly, I would like to remind you that your participation in activities is essential to the University’s success. For this reason, it is very important to be fully aware of the University’s master plan and the actions which strengthen its strategic direction.

Please also remember that you can get more involved in university life by joining an organization, participating in governing bodies or finding out about the activities and projects, objectives and values of the institution which, from today, is also yours.

Regulatory Framework

The University is governed by the applicable Spanish and Catalan regulatory frameworks and by the UPF By-Laws and regulations. The University creating law, its Statues and By-Laws can be consulted via web.

Strategic projects