The Relevance of  Comparative Literature (RELICO) 2011-2014

Funded by MINECO, Ref. FFI2011-28728


This research project explores to what extent the methodological model and the ethical implications transmitted by the tradition of Comparative Literature may provide a response to the need to re-establish the value of literary studies at a time of little social demand for them, which is often identified as a crisis in the humanities. This reassessment requires a re-conceptualization of comparative literature that underscores the relations of literature with its context and with other forms of cultural production, and connects with the legacy of a cosmopolitan ethics that sees literature as a vehicle of dialogue between cultures. The goal is to produce a diagnostic on the presence of themes, problems and methods associated with comparative literature in areas of literary studies that are not institutionally or conceptually ascribed to comparative literature in an explicit way. The point is to systematize the most useful contributions and collect a repertoire of practices that show to what extent comparative literature is introduced into different disciplinary fields as a response to the need to expand the field of study and develop new approaches to address the most recent challenges. These results should serve to promote the dialogue between the legacy of the disciplinary tradition of comparative literature and recent trends in cultural research.


  • Javier Aparicio
  • Miquel Berga
  • Carles Besa
  • Montserrat Cots
  • Eloy Fernández Porta
  • Claudio Gaete
  • Pere Gifra
  • Julio Gutiérrez
  • Antonio Monegal (Investigador Principal)
  • Maria Antònia Oliver
  • Dolors Oller
  • Michael Pfeiffer
  • Hélène Rufat
  • Teresa Vinardell


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