Back López López, Julia


Law Department
Dret del Treball i S. Social
Doctor in Law
Full Professor of Labor Law and Social Security Law

Julia Lopez is Professor of Labor Law and Social Security Law at the Pompeu Fabra University  in Barcelona, Spain since 1996 and researcher in the research group for labour an social security law GREDTISS. She has also been a visiting scholar at the Nanovic Institute of the University of Notre Dame on an annual basis since 2003. She has been affiliated with the University of Rome, the University of Paris-Nanterre II, the Institute of European Studies of the Free University of Brussels and the University of Naples. She is also member of the steering committee of the Labour Law Research Network, and was part of the organizing committee of the Inaugural Conference held in June 13-15, 2013 in Barcelona.

She has recently participated in research projects on precarious work and social rights led by the Working Lives Research Institute (London Metropolitan University) and funded by the European Commission. She has been the main researcher in the projects:  Notion of worker and segmentation of social rights and, New Governance Institutions in the Work Arena both funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and COmpetitiveness. Currently she is, together with Consuelo Chacartegui, the main research in the project Convergences and divergences of collective bargaining systems in the context of employment strategies, funded also by the same Ministry. 
Currently, she is an expert evaluator of the  ERC Starting Grant Call 2015 (European Research Council, 2015) and the Call "Grants and Fellowships 2016" (Fund for Scientific Research - FRNS, Belgium, 2016)

Selected publications among the most recent:

  • "Introduction. Debates on-Collective Bargaining in a Time of Economic Crisis: The Spanish Case in Context" in Oñati Socio-Legal Series 2019; 9(1): 1-6

  • “Introduction” i “Modes of collective action: judicialization as a form of protest”, in Julia López (ed.)  Collective Bargaining and Collective Action. Labour Agency and Governance in the 21st Century?. 1ed . Hart Publishing, 2019
  • “Trabajadoras pobres: la precariedad como invisibilidad”, in Julia López (coord.) Derecho@género. 1ed. Bomarzo, 2019  

  • "Systemic discrimination y políticas de igualdad efectiva de género" in Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, 2019; 133-148

  • "Age as Factor of Discrimination and Collective Dismissals”, in Rönnmar, M.; Votinius, J.J. (eds), Festskrift till Ann-Numhauser Henning, Lund: University of Lund, 2017
  • "Diminishing Unions' Agency: Weakening Collective Bargaining and Criminalizing Picketing in the Spanish Case” in Comparative Labour Law and Policy Journal" a Comparative Labour Law and Policy Journal, 2017

  • “Responding to anti-union legal reforms: labor movement strategies in contemporary Spain”, in Comparative Labour Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 38, 2017
  • “The Regulation of Temporary Immigration as Part of New Forms of the Supply Chain: Segmenting Labour Rights for Workers”, in Owens, R. y Howe J. (eds.) Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era: The Regulatory Changes,  Hart Publishing, 2016
  • Negociación Colectiva y Gobernanza de las Relaciones Laborales: Una Lectura de la Jurisprudencia tras la Reforma Laboral, Ed. Bomarzo, 2016.   
  • La extinción del contrato como última ratio: Los mecanismos de protección del contrato de trabajo, Ed. Bomarzo, 2015
  • "Segmentation and Labor Rights, Monographic issue of the Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal" in Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, VOLUME 36, ISSUE 2 - Winter 2015

  • “Policy responses at national and EU level” in EU Social and Labour Rights and EU Internal Market Law", National Report for the European Parliament's Committee on Employment Affairs (EMPL), 2015,
  • “Age Discrimination and labour Law in Spain”, in Ann Numhauser-Henning, Mia Rönnmar (eds), Age discrimination and labour law : comparative and conceptual perspectives in the EU and beyond,  Wolters Kluwert, 2015
  • "Anti-Austerity activism strategies: combining protest and judicialization in Spain",  in Trebilcock, A. y Blackett, A. (eds.), Research Handbook on Transnational Labour Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015
  • "The increasing trend to formalize the segmentation of workers' right: Tensions among regulatory levels", in López López, J. (Editor Convidat),  Segmentation and Labor Rights, Monographic issue of the Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 36, Issue 2 - Winter 2015
  • "Solidarity and the re-socialization of risk: analysing ETUC strategies to face the crisis”, in Contouris, N. & Freedland, M. (eds),  Resocialising Europe in a Time of Crisis.,  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014
  • “Del Estatuto del Trabajador a los Estatutos de los Empleados: la descontractua-lización laboral de la protección”, in Los Estatutos de los Trabajadores: papel de las normas y la jurisprudencia en su formulación, Lex Nova, 2014
  • "Los Estatutos de los Trabajadores: papel de las normas y la jurisprudencia en su formulación" in Valladolid. Thomson Reuters Lex Nova, 2014

  • “Descuelgue del convenio colectivo y cambio de unidad aplicativa. Una interpretación acorde con el modelo constitucional”, in  Relaciones laborales: Revista crítica de teoría y práctica, Vol: 4,  2014
  • “Breaking the nexus between flexibility and security: flexiprecarity as the Spanish version of the model”, in European Labour Law Journal, Vol. 5 (1),  2014
  • "Social Rights in Changing Labor Markets: Caring for Caregivers in the European Union", in Stone, K., and Arthurs, H.(eds) , Rethinking Workplace Regulation: Beyond the Standard Contract of Employment, New York: Russel Sage Foundation, 2013
  • "Elementos de definición del modelo de relaciones laborales por las normas de OIT y comunitarias: la desestabilización por la reforma laboral (2012)", in Revista de Derecho Social , Vol: 57, 2012
  • "From Conflict to Regulation: The Transformative Function of Labour Law", in Davidov, G. & Langille, B. (eds), The Idea of Labour Law,  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011  
  • "La construcción de derechos sociales: judicialización y aplicación de los convenios de la OIT", in López, J., Freedland, M., Caruso, B., Stone, K. (coords),  La aplicación de los convenios de la OIT por los jueces nacionales: en caso español desde una perspectiva comparada, Albacete: Editorial Bomarzo, 2011
  • “Visibilidad de la huelga y contenido del derecho fundamental: el insuficiente marco legal de garantía", in Crisis, reforma y futuro del derecho del trabajo. Estudios ofrecidos en memoria del profesor Ignacio Albiol Montesinos, (coordinado por Luis Miguel Camps Ruiz, Tomás Sala Franco, y Juan Manual Ramírez Martínez),  Ed. Tirant Lo Blanc, 2010

Selected conference papers among the most recent:

  • Anti-austerity unions strategies and decentralization: Sector collective bargaining and solidarity. "Contesting Austerity - A Socio-Legal Inquiry into Resistance to Austerity". Oñati, 6 June 2019
  • Labour markets- global perspectives round table with Dario Cositore.  "Trade Unions, Democracy and Political Power in Europe". Oxford, 30 May 2019

  • Conflict as regulation: union solidarity against the uberization of labor markets. "Unions, Democracy and Political Power in Europe". Oxford, 30 May 2019. 

  • Digital Platforms as Invisible Employers: Workers' Forms of Protest. "Labor and Challenges to Democracy". Ithaca, New York, 13 May 2019. 

  • A vueltas con la igualdad. Análisis crítico del Real Decreto ley 6/2019, de 1 de marzo de medidas urgentes para la garantía de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres paper at the "XXX Jornades catalanes de Dret Social. Treball, Protecció, Dona i Igualtat", Barcelona, 9 April 2019. 

  • Grassroots organising in the gig economy: Protest and Resistance.  "Employement Status in the Gig Economy: Courts and Legislation". Bristol, 5 April 2019. 

  • La economia del cuidado y el trabajo de las mujeres. "La iniciativa de la OIT relativa a las mujeres en el trabajo: impulso en favor de la igualdad". Tenerife, 22 March 2019

  • Solidarity under the perspective of Labour Law a seminari "Topic and proposal: preliminary remarks". UPF, 19 and 20 March 2019

  • The social partners and the welfare state. Challenges and opportunities ponència al congrès "The social partners and the welfare state. Challenges and opportunities", Stockholm, 7 and 8 March 2019. 

  • The ILO Supervisory Bodies at the Crossroads: A discussion, with K. Evance. "Transnational Futures of International Labour Law cours sur justice sociales dans le monde du travail", Montreal, 24 Jenuary 2019. 

  • Different models of “Brexit” in the EU: Americanization of European Labour Law?, paper to the 3rd. LLRN World Congress, Toronto 25 June 2017.
  • Judicialization of Labour Law as a Form of Activism”, Workshop on Models of Collective Bargaining and Labour Law, IISL, Oñati, 22 June 2017
  • Responding to anti-union legal reforms: labor movement strategies in contemporary Spai", paper to the "International Meeting on Barriers to Union Organizing", Fundazione Giuseppe Pera, Italy, 11 March 2016.
  • Contradictions and European Futures: How and Why Labor Law Matters, paper to the 22nd. International Conference of Europeanists Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures, Paris, 8 July 2015
  • New Governance Institutions in the Work Arena, round table with T. Novitz, B. Langille, I. Schömann at the 2nd.  LLRN World Congress, Amsterdam, 25 June 2015 
  • Flexicurity or Flexiprecarity? Austerity, Inequality and Recovery in Spain and Around the World,  paper to the Midyear Meeting of the ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee, Barcelona, 3 May 2015
  • The effects of crisis management measures for younger workers in Spain, paper to the workshop  Youth unemployment, inclusion and labour law, University of Stockholm, 13 march 2015
  • Flexiprecarity: A Spanish version of flexicurity with S. Canalda & Alex de le Court, Opening Conference at the 1st. Labour Law Research Network (LLRN) World Congress, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 13 de June 2013
  • Strategies Against Demutualization - The ETUC Approach, paper to the workshop "Resocialising Europe and the mutualization of risks to workers", University College of London, 15 may 2012,
  • Judicialization and ILO Conventions: the Spanish case from a multilevel perspective, paper to the 2nd. Conference on Regulating for a Fair recovery Network", International Labour Office (ILO), Ginebra,7 July 2011
  • Complex and interactive strategies of Trade unions: negotiating Council Directives and organizing euro-strikes, paper to the "Council for European Studies. 18th. International Conference of Europeanists", 20 June 2011
  • Critique of Immigration policies in the EU from a Human Rights perspective: the Sub-Saharan and Roma cases, Seminar at Cornell University, USA, 18 October 2010.
  • Caring for caregivers from law: empowerment for women as capabilities, with C. Chacartegui & C. Gonzalez Cantón, Seminar at  “Employment Regulation After the Standard Contract of Employment:  Innovations in Regulatory  Design”, Russell Sage Foundation, 22 September  2010
  • From Conflict to Regulation: The Integrative Function of Labor Law,  paper at the workshop: "The Idea of Labor Law", St. Catharine's College, Cambridge,9 april 2010
  • Work and Family Time, round table with  C. Chacartegui , 19th  International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSSL) World Congress, Sydney, 2 september 2009

Research lines:

  • Judicialization of labour rights and international norms.
  • Equality and Gender policies.
  • Labour Law and social function