January-March 2024: Zabala course in the Master MECLAP will focus on Vattimo's "Weak Thought" in relation to the human condition in the 21st Century. Every Thursday afternoon from January-March in hall 20.179.
January-March 2024: Zabala course in the Political Philosophy Master will venture into the political consequences of Vattimo's hermeneutics. Every Thursday afternoon from January-March in Hall 20.237.
UPF pays tribute to philosopher Gianni Vattimo, with the presentation of "The Vattimo Dictionary".
January-March 2023: Zabala course in the Master MECLAP will focus on Vattimo's philosophy in relation to the human condition in the 21st Century. Every Thursday afternoon from January-March.
January-March 2023: Zabala course in the Political Philosophy Mater will venture into the political consequences of Vattimo's communism. Every Thursday afternoon from January-March.
8.6.2023: Vattimo's former student Prof. Dr. Alessandro Bertinetto (University of Turin) participated in the Workshop "Estética de la performatividad y la repetición" organized by Prof. Dr. Pol Capdevilla who is also an internal member of our Center. All participants visited the archives after the Workshop.
- 9.11.2022 International Workshop of the UPF Center for Vattimo's Philosophy and Archives
30.09.2022: Duke University and Kunshan University’s Humanities Research Center, in partnership with the UPF Center for Vattimo Philosophy and Archives, is proud to host the conference "Weakening Strategies: Vattimo and Chinese Thought" on September 30th at the Pompeu Fabra University. Speakers from Italy, China and the US will be discussing the relationship of Vattimo's weak thought and Chinese thought.
- Zabala course in the Master MECLAP will focus on Vattimo's philosophy in relation to the human condition in the 21st Century. Every Thursday afternoon from January-March.
- 10.02.2022: Federico Vercellone, one of Vattimo's most renowned disciples, will give a talk on aesthetics on the 10th of February 2021 at the UPF.
- 9.02.2022 A Dialogue with Gianni Vattimo by Debora Tonelli on youtube.
- 21-22.10.2021 International Conference: Understanding our Climate Emergency through Art and Aesthetics.
- 24.10.2021: Interview in Rolling Stones with Vattimo
- 01.08.2021: Vattimo's Essere e dintorni translated in English
- 20.05.2021: An edition of Vattimo's books
- 22.05.2021 Interview in Tutto Libri
- 22.05.2021 "Umberto Galimberti on Vattimo"
- 02.06.2021: Journal of Italian Philosophy Special Issue on the 30th anniversary of "The Transparent Society"
- In preparation for Edinburgh University Press Philosophical Dictionaries Seriesthe "Vattimo Dictionary" edited by Prof. Dr. Simonetta Moro with contributions from Franca D'Agostini, Daniel Innerarity, and many more.
- Prof. Zabala course in the MECLAP Master 2020-2021 will be on existentialism and Vattimo's weak thought. Wednesday's from 6-9pm during the first trimester. Open to the public.
- October 28, 2019: "I International Workshop “Have we reached Vattimo’s Transparent Society?” with F. Vercellone, C. Ross, D. Angelucci, and D. Innerarity.
- March 5th, 2019: Conference by Cesar Rendueles (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): "La gobernanza emocional tras la Gran Regresión. Entre el nihilismo emotivista y el neocomunitarismo adaptativo", 6pm
- Prof. Zabala course in the MECLAP Master 2017-2018 will be on Vattimo's weak thought. Tuesday's from 6-9pm during the second semester in room 40.213. Open to the public.
- April 6th, 2017: Conference by Martin Woessner (The City College of New York, CUNY) "The Strength of Weakness: Terrence Malick’s The Thin Red Line as Hermeneutic Cosmology".
- Book presentation: S. Zabala's Why Only Art can Save us (Columbia University Press, 2017) with A. Monegal and A. Vega. 9th November 2017 at the Sala de Graus Albert Calsamiglia, 6pm.
- 6 de juny de 2016: Inauguració dels arxius Gianni Vattimo a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, amb la participació de Josep Ramoneda i Santiago Zabala
- 30 de novembre de 2016: Seminari "Weak thinking, weak reading: poiesis, politics and compasion" by Emma Wason. Moderat per Camil Ungureanu i Santiago Zabala