
The goal of the Embodied Design Thinking qualities is to allow researchers to extrapolate and describe the potential of embodied design techniques with children. The framework embraces nine qualities:

  • Play Practice understood as children’s rhythms of bodily and social doings related to the surrounding space
  • Emergence understood as the ideas that come up through using the technique and their unfolded embodied meaning
  • Contingency understood as the capacity to think of ways how to meaningfully augment the sensorimotor experience through digital technology and to couple with the physical space
  • Playful Engagement understood as the capacity to stimulate children’s interest and motivation to participate in an activity
  • Social Dialogue understood as the capacity to promote empathy and a collaborative attitude between the participants of a design activity
  • Embodied Memory understood as the produced design elements or body knowledge of people’s lived sensations that leave traces in their understanding about design qualities of an interactive experience
  • Reflective Imagery understood as the capacity of a bodily activity to overcome purely brain-internal thinking and promote reflection from different perspectives on the design task to obtain a holistic view on the available possibilities of solutions
  • Embodied Awareness understood as the internal understanding of people’s own felt-experience and unfolding inspiration to think of design solutions that involve body movement and situated action in a physical environment
  • Relationality understood as the comprehension of relationships and dependencies of situated interactions between people and the world during the use of the technique


Schaper, M. M. (2019). Co-design strategies with children in Full-Body Interaction for situated non-formal learning experiences. (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Pompeu Fabra).

The full description of the framework has been formalized as a scientific paper (currently submitted).