Back Fernández Molina, Esther

Fernández Molina, Esther

Grupo investigación en Criminología y Delincuencia Juvenil, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Lecturer in Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The Spanish General Council of the Judiciary tasked her in 2007 to report about the Spanish Juvenile Justice System. From 2002 to 2005 she was part of the directive board of the Spanish Society of Criminological Research (SEIC) and she was also its president from 2013 to 2016. She was visiting researcher at the Criminology Department of the University of Stockholm in 2016. Currently she is the head of the research group of Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Her main lines of research are: juvenile justice, crime trends and public perceptions of crime.

Key publications:

  • Fernández, E. (2008). Entre la educación y el castigo: un análisis de la justicia de menores en España. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
  • Fernández, E., Bartolomé, R., Rechea, C. y Megías, A. (2009). "Evolución y tendencias de la delincuencia juvenil en España". Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica, (7), 1-30.
  • Fernández, E. y Tarancón, P. (2010). "Populismo punitivo y delincuencia juvenil: Mito o realidad". Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología, (12), 1-25.