Measurement of Social Exclusion generated by Western Criminal Policies

December 13th and 14th. Faculty of Law of the University of Malaga.

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“Development of a criminological and empirical model of criminal policy” (EmpiriC) is an excellence network recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, being one of the five financed networks within Law in 2017. The research centres and groups comprising Empiric are: 

  • Criminology and Criminal Justice System Research Group (Pompeu Fabra University) 
  • CRÍMINA – Centre for the study and prevention of crime (Miguel Hernández University of Elche)
  • Andalusian Inter-university Institute of Criminology (University of Malaga) 
  • Research Group of Crime Sciences (University of the Basque Country) 
  • Research Group of Desistance from Crime and Reinsertion Policies (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
  • Research Centre of Criminology (University of Castilla-La Mancha)

This project stem from the realisation that in Spain does not exist a scientific counselling agency charged with the evaluation of public crime policy from a criminological and empirical perspective. Those kind of agencies exist in other countries like United States or Sweden. 

EmpirC is made with the willingness to join the efforts of outstanding criminological research groups to advise government and other entities on crime prevention and on the decision-making process in the elaboration and execution of criminal law. The union of different criminological centres and research groups also serves to put the practical implications of the research as a central activity of those research centres and groups as well as to incorporate empirical knowledge into criminal policy.

Research centres and groups comprising Empiric