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El seminario de clausura de la Red de Excelencia EmpiriC financiado por MCIU-AEI (Ref. DER2017-90552-REDT), se celebrará el viernes 11 de diciembre de 16h a 18.30h.

El seminario tratará sobre la investigación criminológica en prisiones. El profesor Tom Daems ofrecerá la visión de las prisiones en Europa, mientras que el profesor Libardo Ariza, analizará las prisiones en Latino América.  También participará la Sra. Laura Negredo, Subdirectora General Adjunta de Medio Abierto y de Penas y Medidas Alternativas, y el Sr. Carles Soler, Subdirector General de Programas de Rehabilitación y Sanidad, para tratar los retos de la administración penitenciaria. 

El seminario se realizará de forma online a través de este enlace.

Descárgate aquí el programa del seminario.

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La Red de excelencia EmpíriC tuvo que aplazar el siguiente Seminario Internacional debido a la situación del Covid-19. El evento tiene previsto realizarse el 11 de diciembre de 2020. 

El presente seminario se centra en las instituciones penitenciarias, las experiencias de encarcelamiento y el proceso de reinserción tras la prisión. Se abordarán los temas de la calidad de vida en prisión y de los factores que influyen la reinserción. El objetivo del seminario es fomentar la unión de la investigación criminológica con las políticas públicas. Para ello el seminario contará con la participación de responsables de las administraciones penitenciarias y de otras instituciones de justicia penal. Además, en el seminario participarán investigadores internacionales que aportarán su experiencia sobre la investigación realizada y sobre su transferencia.

Coordinación: Elena Larrauri (UPF) y José Cid (UAB)

International Seminar: "Victimology: Challenges of a committed victim policy"

The EmpiriC Network co-organized on November 28 and 29 at the University of the Basque Country the seminar "Victimology: Challenges of a committed victim policy". In this seminar participated: José Luis de la Cuesta Arzamendi (UPV), Ester Fernández (UCLM), Virginia Butler (UPV), Enrique Ullibarriarana (professional), Anabel Cerezo (UMA), Paco Exeberria (UPV), Laura Pego (UPV) , Jonan Fernández (professional), María José Benítez (UMA), José Cid (UAB), Norberto de la Mata (UPV), Miren Odriozola (UPV), Leyre Hernández (UPV), Idoia Igartua (UPV), Elena B. Fernández (UMH), Leire Berasaluce (UPV), Beatriz Ortega (UCLM) and Elena Larrauri (UPF).

International Seminar "Criminal Records Disclosure and Recidivism in the Digital Age"

La Red de Excelencia EmpiriC participó en el seminario celebrado en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra el día 13 de junio de 2019.

El seminario contó con la participación de investigadores nacionales e internacionales cuya línea de investigación son los antecedentes penales. Los ponentes de este seminario fueron: Josep Lluís Martí (Universidad Pompeu Fabra), Sarah Lagerson (Rutgers School of Criminal Justice), Alessandro Corda (Queen’s University Belfast), Elena Larrauri Pijoan (Universidad Pompeu Fabra), Martí Rovira (University of Oxford), Andrew Henley (University of Nottingham), Clara Cortina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Jorge Rodríguez-Menes (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), David Kirk (University of Oxford and Nuffield College).

MetaEmpiriC: On access and use of criminological scientific evidence

On April 8 and 9 2019 the second seminar of the Empiric network took place at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

The seminar organized by CRIMINA was about the use of data in the field of criminology. The issue was approached from different perspectives such as methodological, legislative, criminal policy and public opinion.

The MetaEmpiriC seminar was attended by: Elena Larrauri Pijoan (Universidad Pompeu Fabra), Fernando Miró Llinares (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche), Jose Eugenio Medina Sarmiento (CRIMINA), Elena Beatriz Fernández Castejón (CRIMINA), Asier Moneva (CRIMINA), José Becerra Muñoz (Universidad de Málaga), Francisco Javier Castro Toledo (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche), Raquel Bartolomé (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), Ana Páez (Universidad Castilla –La Mancha), Bertha V. Prado Manrique (Universidad de Málaga), José Pina Sánchez (university of Leeds).

Measurement of Social Exclusion generated by Western Criminal Policies

The Network of Excellence EmpiriC will participate in the international seminar "Measurement of Social Exclusion generated by Western Criminal Policies" organized by the Andalusian Institute of Criminology (Malaga section) and the University of Malaga.

The seminar will take place on December 13 and 14 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Malaga.

The Network of Excellence EmpiriC will participate in the international seminar "Measurement of Social Exclusion generated by Western Criminal Policies" organized by the Andalusian Institute of Criminology (Malaga section) and the University of Malaga. The seminar, which will take place on December 13 and 14 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Malaga, will address the RIMES project whose objective is the measurement of social exclusion / social inclusion generated by criminal policies of the developed Western countries.

The seminar will include the participation of Juan José Hinojosa-Torralvo (Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Málaga), José Luís Díez-Ripollés (Professor of Criminal Law of the University of Málaga), Elisa García-España (Lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Malaga) and Ana Isabel Cerezo (Lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Malaga and EmpiriC member).

Elena Larrauri (Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Pompeu Fabra University), Fernando Miró (Lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Miguel Hernández University), José Cid (Lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona), and Esther Fernández (Lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Castilla-La Mancha).

This seminar is partly funded with the aids “acciones de dinamización “Redes de Excelencia” con el proyecto: Desarrollo de un modelo criminológico y empírico de la política criminal ‒ Acrónimo EmpiriC ‒ DER2017-90552-REDT.”

First seminar of the Excellence Network EmpiriC

The days 29 and 30 of October 2018 took place the first seminar of the Excellence Network EmpiriC in the Law Faculty of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM, Albacete). The seminar was about juvenile justice and delinquency.

The seminar started on Monday 29 with the exposition of the research about juvenile justice and delinquency made by the Research Group on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (UCLM) provided by the head of the group Esther Fernández Molina. After that it took place discussion session about the results presented previously with the practitioners: Ricardo Gallego Corcoles (Juvenile Judge in Guadalajara), Rafael Iniesta Sabater (Coordinator of the juvenile turn of the Bar Association of Valencia), Genoveva Armero Simarro (Head of the Care Unit of Family and Woman of the Albacete Police Precinct), Luis González Cieza (Head of the Area of Studies, Programms and Training, Re-education and Reintegration Agency of the Young Offender of the Madrid Community) and Lidia Ayora Mascarel (Head of the Mediation and Technical Advising Service of the Penal Enforcement and Juvenile Justice General Direction, Generalitat de Catalunya). The day finished with a discussion session between the professionals and Esther Fernandez Molina.

On Tuesday 30 the participants evaluated the previous day and discussed the realization of a publication to collect the work made in the seminar. In this session took part: Úrsula Ruiz and Elena Larrauri (Pompeu Fabra University), Eugenia Albani y José Cid (Autonomous University of Barcelona); Remedios García y Ana Isabel Cerezo (University of Málaga); y Ana Belén Gómez Bellvís y Fernando Miró (Miguel Herández University). The seminar finished with a meeting to prepare the next seminar in Málaga.