Video Conference (Collaborate - external tool)

This video conferencing tool (Collaborate) allows the user to create a learning and communication environment online with students in real time.

Best practices and experiences

  • Come with UPF Digital Teaching Tools: brief interview with lecturer Alberto Carrio from the Department of Law, in which he talks about using the Collaborate tool.
  • Come with UPF Digital Teaching Tools: brief interview with lecturer Lluis Mas, from the Department of Communication, in which he explains how to use Collaborate to do project presentations.


Teaching activities:
  • Classes teòriques, Seminaris/tallers, Classes pràctiques, Tutories, Estudi i treball en grup,
Learning methodologies:
  • Métode expositiu o lliçó magistral, Estudi de casos, Resolució d'exercicis i problemes, Aprenentatge basat en problemes, Aprenentatge orientat a projectes, Aprenentatge cooperatiu, Contracte d'aprenentatge, Gamificació, Flipped classroom, Aprenentatge i serveis (ApS),
Assessment methods:
  • Examen