
The “Lesson” module allows the teacher to offer materials and practical activities in varied and flexible ways. Teaching routes can be created with this material according to the students’ answers. Depending on the answer chosen by the student and the way in which the teacher has configured the lesson, students can go to the next page, go back a page or be redirected on a completely different route. A lesson can be assessed, and the mark obtained can be recorded in the gradebook.

Teaching activities:
  • Seminaris/tallers, Classes pràctiques, Pràctiques externes, Estudi i treball en grup, Estudi i treball autònom, individual,
Learning methodologies:
  • Métode expositiu o lliçó magistral, Estudi de casos, Resolució d'exercicis i problemes, Aprenentatge basat en problemes, Aprenentatge orientat a projectes, Aprenentatge cooperatiu, Contracte d'aprenentatge, Gamificació, Flipped classroom, Aprenentatge i serveis (ApS),
Assessment methods:
  • Examen