AEI/FEDER, UE - RTI2018-094442-B-I00

The project starts from the growing complexity of family structures in contemporary societies, in which multiple parental figures sometimes concur with respect to minors, who occupy positions and have different roles, and aims to analyze them and, where appropriate, outline them normatively through the concept of multi-parenting and the application of various regulatory techniques used in comparative law (flexibility of legal parenting, diversification of legally relevant parenting, diffraction of the effects of parenting). The project is aligned with the theses that, at an international level, propose to re-evaluate from the law complex personal and family relationships that are often made invisible or developed informally. The project pays particular attention to two family realities in which the multiparental model is very present (families resulting from homoparental relationships that can evolve towards collaborative forms of parenting, and reconstituted families after a marital or couple crisis) and incorporates the study of the problems of its cross-border recognition. The implementation of normative criteria aimed at responding to complex family realities can have highly beneficial effects for all parties involved in a parental relationship. For adults, it can seek official recognition of certain parental roles or functions, as well as greater legal certainty in essential aspects of personal and family life such as reproductive decisions or the upbringing and education of children, and the consequent assumption of procreative and/or parental responsibilities.

For minors, the implementation of these proposals may result in a fuller satisfaction of their best interests in highly relevant aspects of their lives, such as respect for personal identity, knowledge of origins, access to genetic heritage, possibility of establish personal contact with people with strong affective ties, greater stability in the guardian relationship, greater security in the provision of food. The proposed theme, as has been done in the previous ones executed by the requesting research group, will be analyzed from a transversal and interdisciplinary perspective, which incorporates the comparative methodology, through the look at systems where the concept of multiparenthood is more developed, for be more present complex family realities. The project, whose starting point is the results and hypotheses reached in previous projects of the team, is presented by a consolidated research group, which on this occasion includes researchers from various universities that are experts in personal and family law, and that has almost twenty years of experience in applied research in this area. In addition, the group has a high training capacity and maintains a close relationship with other national and international research groups noted for their contributions in family law, moral philosophy, social, cultural and medical anthropology, and sociology.

Amount Awarded: 21.780 €