During my academic life and as an employee of two Spanish public universities (University of the Basque Country, 1994-2008, and Pompeu Fabra University, 2008 onwards) I have been in charge of teaching several courses on newswriting -in press, radio and television, and on the Internet-, history of communication and journalism, research methods and intellectual property applied to news reporting. Moreover, I have published some reflections on how to teach (and research) journalism and communication:

Tous Rovirosa, Anna; Marini, Lorenzo; Díaz Noci, Javier. Journalism Schools or Communication Faculties? Teaching Research Methodology to Communication Students. Dins: Sánchez Gonzales, Hada M. (ed.). Innovación, educación, periodismo y tecnología en la Universidad. 1 ed. Madrid: Dykinson; 2012. p. 75-95.

Diaz Noci, Javier. Transformaçoes no ensino do jornalismo na Espanha. Dins: AA.VV.. Comunicaçao, eduaçao e cultura na era digital. 1 ed. Sao Paulo: Intercom; 2009. p. 297-316.

Diaz Noci, Javier. New tendencies of research in journalism: the Spanish case. Brazilian Journalism Research 2006; 2(1): 13-37. 

I have also taught some courses and seminars on several subjects during my stays abroad. I co-organized a seminar on Southrn Europe and politics at the University of Oxford (European Studies Center - St Antony's College), February 1999 (see Creation of Basque identity through cultural symbols in modern times), and in several Brazilian universities during my stays in 2005 and 2008.