From 2017 onwards,  a team of scholars and journalists concerned with the advance of income inequality in our society, and the treatment of this issue by the media, started working on this sensitive issue. The research design of the working team is defined in a report titled Researching the digital divide, news, and the media: Towards information equity (2023) The Spanish-language version of it is Investigar la brecha digital, las noticias y los medios: hacia la equidad informativa digital. 

My most recent output is a report on Housing inequality coverage in the media: A comparative analysis, a research study conducted from September 1, 2023, to February 29, 2024 at University College Dublin (Ireland). 

We have organized some seminars and edited some reports, e.g. Inequalities and Information Access. An expert panel report. More production of the team is available here.

Other recent articles on the topic are: Exploring News Avoidance in the Spanish Hybrid Media LandscapeInequality in times of pandemics: How online media are starting to treat the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis; and  The crisis, the people and the media: How digital public opinión debates on economic inequality.

The political cleavages caused by inequality and its implication on media have also been treated in a report titled A revolt of the wealthy people? News, media, social classes, and storytelling in a context of political crisis and inequality. An essay on the role of the press in the Catalan pro-independence process (2009-2017). In Spanish my latest output on the topic is: Noticias digitales y desigualdad social: entrevista a Javier Díaz Noci and Por qué evitamos las noticias.Algunas evidencias desde la desigualdad de acceso a la información digital en España.