CL - Critical literacy

The Critical Literacy (CL) research group was created in 2004, at the core of the consolidated group GR@EL, associated to the Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge of Universitat Pompeu Fabra. It is made up of researchers from the fields of linguistics, education and journalism with prior experience of working in other areas and projects. The aim is to explore various aspects to do with appropriation and use of literacy, writing and reading practices, from a critical point of view, focused on processing ideology in texts, in the particular features of digital environments or in the characteristics of vernacular forms (private, leisurely, etc.) of writing. The name (critical literacy) comes from the first R&D project that the group won.


Gr@el - Group of research in learning and teaching languages

It is a consolidated research group financed by AGAUR (2005 SGR 00097 and 2009 SGR 803), associated to the Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge of Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The principal researcher is Daniel Cassany, developing several projects to do with language learning, as well as the Critical Literacy one mentioned above, and brings together researchers from within and beyond UPF.

See the official web page