“Exposa les teves obres a la Universitat” it is an initiative that wants to enhance and expose the artistic talents of the UPF community.

This year we have chosen two projects that can be visited through out the three campuses:

  • Exhibition hall in campus de la Ciutadella: from February 5th to March 18th (from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 18 h)
  • Campus del Mar hall: from March 20th to April 25th 
  • Wo
  • Hallway from the Workshops area of the Poblenou campus: from April 30th to June 10th


Title: T'has plantejat mai? (Have you ever wondered?)

Author: Mercedes Lara de la Rubia / Ché Lara (Hostalets de Balenyà, 1970)

UPF profile: IT Staff

Description: this artwork, in the authors words, "it has the intention to make the viewers think about our society that, while it allows the abuse towards women tries to deffend them (?) through popular literature, giving them warnings thrugh tales.



Title: Obres d'art (Art pieces)

Author: Ruth Vázquez Masana / Rut (Barcelona, 2001)

UPF profile: student of the degree in Biomedical Engineering

Description: "My artwork are borned

"My works arise from questioning, curiosity, and the desire to go beyond what is visible to discover the truth that lives within each object, circumstance, corner, feeling, etc. My main aspiration is to achieve an authentic connection with others to share solitudes. In other words, to create intangible universes through the tangibility of objects, paintings, posters, and photographs." Rut presents six works created in different techniques: two illustrations, two art objects, and two artistic posters.
