Back 13/10/21: TRANSGANG Training Seminar: The Motherland: Gangs born in Chicago, raised outside of Illinois, and living overseas

13/10/21: TRANSGANG Training Seminar: The Motherland: Gangs born in Chicago, raised outside of Illinois, and living overseas



 October 13, 2021

 3.00 - 5.00 pm


 Conference room 55.309 - 3rd floor building 55. Tànger - Campus del Poblenou




The gang problem that exists in Chicago, Illinois is one that is not limited to the boundaries of the city. The violence that stains the landscape has spilled into other states as well as other countries. This presentation will touch on the socioeconomic conditions that set the stage for the conception, growth, and expansion of gangs that originate in Chicago, but hold a global reach. The mediation and conflict resolution practices that currently exist in Chicago will also be evaluated, as will their effectiveness be gauged. The relationship gang members in Chicago have with their organizational brethren outside of Chicago will be addressed.


Dr. William "King Mission" Ross holds a Bachelor of Business Administration, a Master of Nonprofit Management and Leadership, a Doctorate in Spiritual Counseling and is currently completing a second Doctorate in Public Policy and Administration with a specialization in Global Leadership . A community organizer and educator with more than two decades of grassroots organizing experience and expertise working with street organizations, Dr. Ross is also a member of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation for more than 25 years. He is the author of the following publications on the grouping of the Latin Kings.


Organitza: Projecte TRANSGANG del Departament de Comunicació - UPF. Aquest projecte ha rebut finançament de l'European Research Council (ERC) en el marc del programa europeu d'I+D Horizon 2020 (grant agreement 742705).



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