The Collective of Aesthetic Research in Audiovisual Media (CINEMA) main purpose is to serve as a meeting point for researchers from different areas to analyze both film history and contemporary manifestations of the film made.

First, there is the aesthetic study of the audiovisual work, considering the image as receptacle trends and philosophical, social and political contradictions, and posing an investigation to establish a dialogue between cinema and other art forms. The study of American and Asian cinema is important, although an approach to Babelic European cinema is a must, as an expression of the contradictions of our contemporaneity.

Main Research Lines:

  • Comparative cinema.
  • Cinema, theater and literature. The cinema and the other Arts.
  • Cinema visual motifs. Iconology, Gesture and Figuration in the audiovisual
  • Mythocritics and narratology
  • Star Studies and Gender Studies
  • Television quality and innovation. The INPUT file
  • Cinemas of the real. Creation documentary.
  • History and comic theory