Back New Blog post! "Climate apocalypse now? Conflicting climate change temporal discourses in COP26 and COP27" by Marín Morcillo

New Blog post! "Climate apocalypse now? Conflicting climate change temporal discourses in COP26 and COP27" by Marín Morcillo

New Blog post! Climate apocalypse now? Conflicting climate change temporal discourses in COP26 and COP27 by Marín Morcillo



This reflection is based on the final bachelor’s thesis that C. Marín Morcillo conducted within the Philosophy, Politics and Economics degree from UPF/UAB/UAM/UC3M (2019-2023). Marín won the first prize for the Best Bachelor’s Thesis in Planetary Wellbeing with their thesis “The temporalisation of global climate change discourse: A critical analysis of temporality and climate justice in COP26 and COP27”. You can access the complete thesis here.



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