Back The Ideograma-UPF Chair of Political Communication and Democracy is launched

The Ideograma-UPF Chair of Political Communication and Democracy is launched

The Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and the Ideograma consultancy sign an ambiguous agreement to promote training, research and dissemination of connections in the field of political communication and their effects on democratic systems.




The UPF and Ideograma promote the Chair of Political and Institutional Communication 

The Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the Ideograma consultant have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the Chair of Political and Institutional Communication, which will aim to promote teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of public communication.

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Chair of the Ideograma-UPF company of Political Communication and Democracy

This morning the  official act of signing the agreement between Ideograma and the UPF, to promote the Ideogram-UPF Chair of Political Communication and Democracy , has been carried out  in the rector of the  Pompeu Fabra University . In Ideograma we want and strongly believe in the coexistence and close relationship of the professional and academic worlds. In our long trajectory, of more than 30 years, we have put a special focus in this area, dedicating the resources that are within our reach to: teaching, co-direction and formative design, the reception and support of the Industrial Doctorate, specialized training , the promotion of our scholarships and the dissemination of knowledge, through different publications.

The Ideogram-UPF Chair of Political Communication and Democracy is in Marx

Jaume Casals, rector of the UPF, and Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí, general director of the Ideograma company, have signed a collaboration agreement in virtue of which qualifications will carry out research activities, transfer of education and training.

Promote teaching, research and dissemination of connections in the field of public communication, including political and institutional communication, is the main objective of the  Ideogram-UPF Chair of Political Communication and Democracy , created jointly by  Ideogram  and UPF, linked to the University of Academic Coordination (UCA) of University Communication.

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