Montserrat Escartín Gual is a University Professor of Contemporary Literature at University of Girona (UdG) and researcher on literature as a critical observer and disseminator of ethical approaches about nonhuman animals. She has participated in master courses at University of Barcelona and University Autonoma of Barcelona. She coordinated the Ethics and animals section of the journal Revista de Bioética y Derecho of University of Barcelona and has also published articles, books and participated in philosophy and law conferences, and in the Olof Palme International Foundation, denouncing bullfighting and some misleading uses of concepts as culture and tradition. In 2005, Dr. Escartín promoted an association with university professors and researchers from CSIC to develop a pro animals work (AIUDA, Asociación Interuniversitaria para la Defensa de los Animales). After a few years on the presidency she is now the vice-president of the association. Currently, she is a member of several work teams from different Catalan universities (UPF, UB, UAB, UdG) focusing on the reflection of ethical progress regarding nonhuman animals.