Currently supervised PhD research

Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo (Interest groups, discourse and compassion). Supervised by Núria Almiron, Department of Communication, UPF.

Julia Castellano (Strategic communication of vegan brands). Supervised by Núria Almiron, Department of Communication, UPF.

Jose Tarín (Derechos humanos y derechos animales: Fundamentos filosóficos). Supervisada por Paula Casal, Departamento de Derecho, UPF.


Luiza Chaves, (V de Vegano: Veganismo como Estratégia Política de Redução de Riscos de Novas Eclosões Pandêmicas) . Co-directora: Catia Faria. Doctorado en Sociología y Derecho, Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGSD/UFF), Brazil.  Máxima clasificación.

Magaña Fernández, Pablo (The Kitchen and the Forum: Nonhuman Animals and Their Political Representation). Supervised by José Luis Martí, Iñigo González y Josep Joan Moreso, Department of Law, UPF.

Montes, Macarena (Nonhuman Animal Personhood: Moral and Legal Implications). Supervised by Paula Casal, Department of Law, UPF.

Fernández Aguilera, Laura (Strategic visual communication for animal liberation). Supervised by Núria Almiron, Department of Communication, UPF. December 2021.

Ruiz Carreras, María (The role of Interest Groups in the Shaping of Dietary Guidelines: The Case of the European Dairy Industry). Supervised by Núria Almiron, Department of Communication, UPF. July 2021.


If you want to conduct an end-of-grade project, final master project or PhD dissertation on animal ethics or critical animal studies we can advice you or, if possible, even recommend a tutor for you. Please scroll down to see examples of end-of-grade, master final projects or PhD dissertations supervised by CAE members.


End-of-Degree and final master projects

Year 2023-2024

Ivanova, Yuliya: "’Ethics of Trophy Hunting: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Safari Club International's Communication Strategy". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2023-2024.

He, Sicong: "’Unraveling the Impact of 'Blackfish' On the Public Attitudes towards marine animal welfare".  Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2023-2024.

Year 2022-2023


Year 2021-2022

Abadal Bufí, Marina: "’Els porcs fan Salsitxes’. Estudi qualitatiu sobre la producció i recepció de notícies sobre escorxadors als mitjans de comunicació catalans" (‘Pigs make Sausages’. A qualitative study on the production and reception of news about slaughterhouses in the Catalan media). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2021-2022.

Deniz Saydı, Larissa: "The 'Most Wanted' of Animal Kingdom: News Coverage of ‘Invasive Species’ in The New York Times". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2021-2022.

Esmoris, Clara: "’Tenga cuidado que un gaucho no la vaya a jinetear’: Un análisis crítico del discurso sobre el especismo en Uruguay". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2021-2022.

Exposito, Diego: "Moral Unitarianism Restated and Defended". Supervised by Paula Casal for the MA en Filosofía Política. Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UPF. Final master project, 2021-2022.

Gamper, Roxane: "Feeding the World through Eating the World. A Critical Discourse Analysis on FAO’s promotion of Aquaculture". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2021-2022.

Garrido, Noelia: "Patrones feministes en marcas de alimentos veganos" (Feminists patterns in vegan food brands). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Communication, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2021-2022.

Kloft, Hannah: " There's More Than One Way to Peel a Potato: How speciesism is reinforced in plant-based meat alternative marketing through the ‘overt referent’". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2021-2022.

Martins Dias, Gabriela: "Powers intertwined? Agribusiness, the mainstream media, and the political scenario before the 2022 presidential elections in Brazil". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2021-2022.

Pongan, Maddalena: "Interpoc. Lobbies y supresión de la compasión" (Interporc. Lobbies and the suppression of compassion). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Communication, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2021-2022.


Year 2019-2020

Leitinger, Lukas: "'It Would Be Kinder to Shoot Them'. A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Animals Farmed Series in The Guardian". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2019-2020.

Vico Stenderup, Victor: "Antispeciesist Children’s Literature Amongst Non-vegan Parents: A Reception Study". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2019-2020.

Castellano Lloredella, Júlia: "Més enllà de l'aula. Pot un curs d'estudis crítics sobre animals i mitjans de comunicació canviar les actituds vers els animals? (Beyond the classroom. Can a Critical Animal and Media Studies Course change attitudes towards animals?"). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2019-2020.

Ulmane, Paule: "Media coverage on veganism in the context of climate crisis in Spanish and French media". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Master in Estudis del Discurs: Comunicació, Societat i Aprenentatge. Department of Translation and Language Sciences, UPF. Final master project, 2019-2020.

Padilla, Cèlia: "Teoria ecofeminista i teoria crítica: revisió de la filosofia d'Adorno i Horkheimer des de l'ecefeminisme" (Ecofeminist theory and critical theory: An Ecofeminist Review of Adorno and Horkheimer's theory). Supervised by Marta Tafalla for the Department of Philosophy, UAB. End-of-degree project, 2019-2020.

Moreno, Ana: "Ètica ecològica i ecofeminisme. Examinant les propostes d'Alicia Puleo, Vandana Shiva i Jorge Riechmann" (Environmental ethics and ecofeminism. Examining the works of Alicia Puleo, Vandana Shiva and Jorge Riechmann). Supervised by Marta Tafalla for the Department of Philosophy, UAB. End-of-degree project, 2019-2020.

Franco i Morró, Oscar: "La casa de les ‘feres’: Anàlisi històrica de la comunicació del Zoo de Barcelona" (House of beasts: A historical examination of the Barcelona Zoo's communication). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Communication, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2019-2020.


Year 2018-2019

Auer Viktoria: "Where is tha Animal-Agriculture? The Framing of Climate Change by Austrian Think Tanks". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MSc Strategic Communication and Public Relations, Department of Communication, UPF, Final master project, 2018-2019.

Freixes Carbonell, Lluís:"La representació especista dels animals no humans en les narratives dles videojocs contemporanis" (Speciesist representation of nonhuman animals in contemporary videogame narratives"). Supervised by Oliver Pérez for the CAE Scholarship, MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2018-2019.

Moreno Cabezudo, Jose Antonio:"'Hablemos de la carne, pero sin demonizarla'. Representación en la prensa española del impacto climático de la explotación de animales en granjas" ('Let's talk about meat, but not to demonise it'. The representation in the Spanish press of the impact on climate of farmed animals). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2018-2019.

Vila López, Elisabet: "La publicitat enganyosa en la indústria làctica. Cas Pascual" (Misleading advertising in the dairy industry. The Pascual case). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Communication, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2018-2019.


Year 2017-2018

Cruz, Evelyn: “Antiespecismo especista. Análisis decolonial del movimiento por la defensa de los animales en México (Speciesist antispeciesism. Decolonial analysis of the movement for the defence of animals in Mexico)"). Supervised by Catia Faria for the Maestría en Derechos Humanos, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis de Potosí, México. Final master project, 2016-2017 (to be defended in 2018).

Häger, Svenja: “Where the Wild Animals Are. An antispeciesist critique of environmentalist population control programs”. Supervised by Catia Faria (with Steffi Hobu for the BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, University of Lüneburg, Germany. End-of-degree project 2017-18.

Muñoz, Toni:"BBC Nature. La representación de los animales y la naturaleza en la serie África (2013)" [BBC Nature. The representation of animals in nature and the Africa Series (2013)]. Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2017-2018.

Niñoa, Natalia: "Once Upon a Time... An Analysis of the Representation of Nonhuman Animals in Young Children's Literature". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2017-2018.

Mitra, Filip Ramesh: "Lobbying for Captivity: Discourse and the Legitimisation of Zoos and Aquaria". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2017-2018.

Villanueva, Bidatz: "Generar empatía hacia los animales no humanos a través del activismo: El caso del Santuario Gaia" [Generating empathy towards nonhuman animals through activism: The case of Santuario Gaia]. Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2017-2018.


Year 2016-2017

Gemma Cujó: "Presos sense condemna. Una anàlisi ètica dels parcs zoològics" (Prisoners without conviction. An ethical analysis of zoos). Supervised by Marta Tafalla, for the Department of Philosophy, UAB. End-of-degree project, 2016-2017.

Herpels, Emmanuelle: "Advocating against animal testing in Europe: An Analysis of strategic communication campaigning". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2016-2017.

Fernández Aguilera, Laura: "Imágenes que activan. Un estudio sobre comunicación visual estratégica en el activismo por la liberación animal (Images which activate. A study on strategic visual communication in the animal liberation activism"). Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2016-2017. Project funded by the Rita Wing Scholarship.

Fulcher, Hallam: "Red meat and propaganda. An investigation of Australian print advertising promoting red meat consumption". Supervised by Núria Almiron for for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2016-2017. Project funded by the Foundation Franz Weber Scholarship.

Gil Safont, Jaime: "La representación de los animales no humanos en la prensa local en España: el caso de las fiestas patronales y el especismo (Nonhuman animals coverage in local press in Spain: The case of local festivities and speciesism)". Supervised by Núria Almiron for for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final master project, 2016-2017.

Martínez Aguilar, Anna: "Medioambiente e industria cárnica. Análisis de las estrategias comunicativas del principal lobby alimentario de la industria cárnica en España en relación a su impacto medioambiental (Environment and meat industry. An analysis of communication strategies by the main Spanish meat lobby regarding its impact on environment)".  Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Communication, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2016-2017.

Mora Euler, Àngela: "Más allá del cruelty-free. La construcción e estrategias de marca en el sector de la cosmética a través del veganismo en la UE (Beyond cruelty-free. Strategic brand building through veganism in the cosmetic industry in the EU)".  Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Communication, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2016-2017.

Tomillo Sánchez, Carla: "Comunicación efectiva en moda vegana. O cómo vender la ética que menos vende en el sector que más la rechaza (Effective communication in vegan fashon. Or how to sell the ethics that sell the least in the industry that rejects it the most)".  Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Communication, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2016-2017.


Year 2015-2016

Freixes, Lluís: "La indústria lletera europea en clau econòmica i ètica: nous horitzons sostenibles (The Dairy Industry in Europe from an economic and ethic stance: New sustainable horizons)".  Supervised by Núria Almiron for the Department of Economics and Business, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2015-2016.

González Navarro, Raquel: "La ética de la experimentación con animales: análisis de la posibilidad de su abolición (The Ethics of animal testing: an analysis of the opportunities for abolition)". Supervised by Eze Paez for the Department of Law, UPF. End-of-degree project, 2015-2016.

Harper, Ian: "If You’re An Egalitarian, How Come You Eat Meat?" Supervised by Paula Casal for the MA in Political Philosophy. Department of Political and Social Sciences, UPF. Final Master Project, 2015-2016.

Sánchez de la Sierra, Laura: "'Children of men': What we Owe domesticated animals". Supervised by Paula Casal for the MA in Political Philosophy. Department of Political and Social Sciences, UPF. Final Master Project, 2015-2016.

Yazianok, Marina: "Daily ‘Dairy’: Analysing the Perceived Kinship of Food Lobbies and the Media". Supervised by Núria Almiron for the MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference. Department of Communicación, UPF. Final Master Project, 2015-2016.